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This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Staking and Guying Newly Planted Trees
This publication describes the benefits and hazards associated with staking and guying during the first growing season. read more...
Understanding Public Opinion and Support for the Maintenance and Protection of Trees in Knox County, Tennessee: A Mail Survey of Area Homeowners
The primary purpose of this research was to determine public knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and support for the maintenance and protection of trees in Knox County. read more...
City of Pineville Urban Forestry Survey
This report outlines the opinions of Pineville, LA residents regarding the importance of trees in their city. read more...
Planting a Tree
A four page guide on necessary steps before and after planting a tree. read more...
Mulching for Healthier Landscape Plants
This publication describes various types of mulch, their application, and the benefits to trees. read more...
Fertilizers for Trees and Shrubs
Fertilizer is a routine part of maintenance that improves the leaf size, foliage quality, and flower and fruit production. read more...
Check-List for Healthy Trees: Maintenance Schedule
This checklist outlines the tasks a certified arborist should accomplish after a tree has been planted. read more...
Using Trees To Save Energy
Trees provide many benefits to a homeowner, but it is important to pick the right tree for the right place. read more...
Watering Trees
Fact sheet describing the methods, quantity, and frequency of watering trees in Hawaii. read more...
Guía para la Persona Educada de Cómo Cosechar Agua de Lluvia (A Waterwise Guide to Rainwater Harvesting - Spanish version)
This pamphlet describes how to capture rainwater and use it for watering between rainfall events. read more...
A Waterwise Guide to Rainwater Harvesting
Captured rainwater can be diverted directly to areas of vegetation or stored for use between rainfall events. read more...
A Waterwise Guide to Trees
This pamphlet describes the benefits of drought tolerant trees and the irrigation methods that can be used to preserve water in New Mexico. read more...
Valuing Ecosystem Services
The Case of Multifunctional Wetlands
The Runoff Reduction Method
This memorandum outlines the results of BMP research and distills this information into a framework that can be used by design professionals and plan reviewers to verify compliance with proposed stormwater regulations in Virginia. read more...
Protecting and Developing the Urban Tree Canopy: A 135-City Survey
Trees make important contributions to society and are an integral part of urban infrastructure, as critical to the health and livability of communities as roads, sewers, and buildings. Mayors recognize the invaluable role of urban forests in the protection of public health and reduction of harmful ... read more...
Northeast Community Tree Guide: Benefits, Costs, and Strategic Planting
This report quantifies benefits and costs for small, medium, and large deciduous trees and one coniferous tree in the Northeast region: the species chosen as representative are Kwanzan cherry, red maple, Japanese zelkova, and eastern white pine, respectively (see “Common and Scientific Names” ... read more...
The Influence of Soils and Species on Tree Root Depth
There are numerous publications on the root plate dimensions of windthrown trees, but few relate the root depth and spread to the soil types in which the trees were growing. It is well known that different soil types and their properties are an important factor in determining the rooting habit of a ... read more...
Using Gray Water in New Mexico's Residential Landscapes
This fact sheet briefly discribes the benefits and responsibilities when conserving resources with gray water.
Irrigation Basics: A Guide to Smart Water Use
This New Mexico pamphlet describes the process of converting your irrigation system after a water friendly xeriscape has been created. read more...
Lean & Green: A Simple Guide to Water-Wise Lawn Care
This New Mexico pamphlet describes the options available to reduce water use on your backyard lawn. read more...
Xeriscape 101: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Water-Wise Yard
This New Mexico pamphlet describes a resource preserving approach to backyard landscape with a five step guide. read more...
The Enchanted Xeriscape
This tri-fold pamphlet describes the best ways to create a natural landscape that will reduce water use in New Mexico. read more...
Selecting Ornamental Trees for New Mexico
This PDF contains a list of native and non-native trees that will live a long time in the New Mexico climate. read more...
Don't Top Trees (New Mexico)
This question and answer article gives some reasons why people may be tempted to top and the dangers caused by topping.
Emerald Ash Borer Toolkit For Wisconsin Communities
This toolkit is a resource for local governments to prepare for and respond to the anticipated arrival of emerald ash borer. read more...
Dogwood Anthracnose
Help protect native flowering dogwood stands.
Tree Line
Urban and Community Forestry - A Guide for the Interior Western United States
This guide is intended to assist tree care specialists and community leaders in improving and sustaining their urban landscapes. read more...
Tree Pruning Techniques
This publication will provide you with the knowledge tobegin pruning properly. read more...
Winter Watering/When to Prune Trees
Unwrap Trunks for Healthier Trees
This press release describes how wrapping tree trunks can cause serious injury.
Desirable Street Tree List
A list of broad-leaf shade trees for Western Montana and their advantages and limitations.
Fire-Resistant Plants for Montana Landscapes
A list of fire-resistant plants and the effects of fire on the soil. read more...
Pruning Deciduous Trees
This is a detailed, easy to read guide showing landowners how to properly trim trees. read more...
Growing Spruce Trees in Montana
A detailed overview of options to consider when planting and maintaining spruce trees. read more...
Urban Trees Enhance Water Infiltration
A group of researchers from Virginia Tech, Cornell, andUniversity of California at Davis have been investigatinginnovative ways to maximize the potential of trees to addressstormwater in a series of studies supported by the U.S. ForestService’s Urban and Community Forestry Grants Program. read more...
Neighborhood Greenness and 2-Year Changes in Body Mass Index of Children and Youth
This study finds that greenness is inversely related to the body mass index of children. These findings support the exploration of the promotion and preservation of greenspace within neighborhoods as a means of addressing childhood obesity. read more...
Backyard Conservation: One Yard At A Time (VHS tape)
"A nine-minute look at easy and fun ways to enjoy your yard more and do your part to improve the environment."
The Economics of Tree Preservation (VHS tape)
This film explains the complications that arise when developing on forested land.
Trees In Any Language
This film is a compilation of poems and songs from many ethnic backgrounds stating the power of trees.
Building with Nature (VHS tape and booklet)
This video and accompanying booklet show how proper planning will ensure longevity of landscape and homes.
Cooling the Urban Forest
A creative film directed towards younger children that describes the benefits of trees and their ability to decrease electric bills.
Creating an Urban Oasis
This film depicts actions taken by Missouri communities to ensure the longevity and biodiversity of trees in the urban landscape. read more...
Tree Response to Pruning Techniques
“The goal of this video is to educate the audience regarding the effects of different types of tree pruning practices."
Value of Trees: A Community Tree Planting and Public Outreach Initiative
This first volume publication is a community outreach initiative to inform the public about the environmental and economic value of trees in the landscape. read more...
Preparing for Emerald Ash Borer
This is a front page article about the research, planning, and prevention of an emerald ash borer infestation in Wisconsin. read more...
Urban Forestry Laboraratory Exercises for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students
This laboratory manual contains numerous ways in which a teacher can educate his/her students about urban forests.
Plant Health Care and the Diagnostic Process
This 8 step process identifies the proper approach when assessing trees on a clients land.
Trees and Shrubs for Northern Great Plains Landscapes
Descriptions of numerous hardwood and evergreen trees and shrubs that can tolerate the environment of north central United States.
Diseases of Trees and Shrubs Color Diagnostic Guide
Booklet with color photograph examples of diseases common among deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs of north central United States.
Mississippi Trees
A comprehensive guide to the common trees of Mississippi.
Green Buffers for Screening and Noise Reduction
A guide for designing and installing vegetation as noise and visual screens. read more...
Fall Needle Drop
Brief factsheet for informing the public about the naturally occurring fall needle drop of evergreens. read more...
Cottony Psyllid
Brief description of cottony psyllid, its host tree species, resulting damage, and control options. read more...
City of Bismarck, North Dakota Street Tree Resource Analysis
Summary of the Center for Urban Forest Research's study analyzing if the benefits derived from the street tree population in Bismarck, North Dakota validates the Bismarck Forestry Department annual budget expenditure. read more...
Impact of the Emerald Ash Borer
This door hanger briefly explains the impact and symptoms of emerald ash borer in Wisconsin.
How Can Your School Recognize Arbor Day?
Different tree related projects and events for teachers and school administrators to use on Arbor Day. read more...
Spirit Of The Trees
This program depicts the importance of tree biodiversity from the viewpoint of Native American People.
The Community Forest
This video shows the benefits of trees in our communities, explains what a community forest is, and why its health is so important to all of us.
Chicago: "City of Big Shoulders"
A documentary about the restoration and growth of the city of Chicago.
North Dakota Native Trees and Shrubs
A list of native trees and shrubs of North Dakota. read more...
Trees and Shrubs of North Dakota
Identification and descriptions of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs found in North Dakota read more...
Philadelphia: "The Holy Experiment"
A documentary about the restoration and growth of the city of Philadelphia.
Power Line Compatible Tree and Shrub Selections
List of small to medium height trees and shrubs able to grow in the North Dakota climate. read more...
Highway Safety and Trees: The Delicate Balance
This DVD depicts the importance of trees near roadway systems and the dangers they can present.
Emeral Ash Borer - What You Need to Know
This DVD/Interactive CD collection provides detailed information on identification, treatment, and prevention of emerald ash borer.
Insect and Disease Management Guide for Woody Plants in North Dakota
A guide to insect and disease identification, treatment, and prevention of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs of the North Dakota region. read more...
Fertilizing Trees
Fertilizer application methods for deciduous and evergreen trees.
A Guide to Deciduous Tree Knowledge
Provides basic descriptions of tree species common to the North Dakota region.
American Mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum var. serotinum) Infection In Trees
Monograph on the tree pest American mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum var. serotinum). read more...
Tree Sex: Gender & Reproductive Strategies
Monograph on sexual systems in trees.
Storm Wind Loads
Monograph on storm wind loads on trees, storm wind scales, and significance on tree failures. read more...
Autumn Color Expression For Selected Trees (SE-US) (Revised)
List of trees and their dominant fall colors.
Fall Color Expression (revised)
Conditions leading to best fall colors in trees.
Pigment Palette (revised)
The tree pigments responsible for fall coloration.
Leaf Senescence & Abscission (revised)
Formation process and associated leaf fall in development of fall leaf color in trees. read more...
Autumn Leaf Colors (revised)
Formation process and expression of fall leaf color in trees. read more...
City of Charlotte, North Carolina - Municipal Forest Resource Analysis
This analysis combines results of a citywide inventory with benefit–cost modeling data to produce four types of information on the tree resource, namely, forest structure, function, value, and management needs. read more...
New York City, New York - Municipal Forest Resource Analysis
This analysis combines results of a citywide street tree census with benefit–cost modeling data to produce four types of information on the city-managed street tree resource, namely forest structure, function, value, and management needs. read more...
Urban Forests and Climate Change: Project Reporting Protocol
This document provides an overview of California's Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol. read more...
Japanese Barberry
Urban and Community Forestry Appreciation Tool Kit
A toolkit of public relations materials for communities.
Pruning Community Trees and ANSI Standard
The Maryland Forest Conservation Act: The Law that Conserves Forest During Development
A five year review of 1991 MD Forest Conservation Law. (See link for 10 year review attached)
A Guide to Street Tree Inventory Software
Reference guide for urban forestry professionals in the selection of a street tree inventory software program
Callery Pear Cultivars Tested as Street Trees: Second Report
Trees are Not the Root of Sidewalk Problems
Performance Testing Tree Cultivars in Metropolitan Environments
Callery Pear Cultivars Tested as Street Trees: Initial Results
Better Ways of selecting Trees For Urban Plantings
Application and Comparison of Three Tomographic Techniques For Detection of Decay inTrees
Which Comes First, the Root or the Crack?
Tree Lilac Cultivars Tested as Street Trees: Initial Results
Stem Form of Young Larxi As Influenced by Wind and Pruning
Serviceberry Cultivars Tested as Street Trees: Initial Results
Replacement of Trees Under Utility Wires Impacts Attitudes and Community Tree Programs
Performance Testing of Street Tree Cultivars: A Model Project
Management Techniques for Utility Tree Maintenance
Leaching of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soils: An Experimental and Modeling Study
Impacts of Vegetation on Residential Heating and Cooling
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