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The Enchanted Xeriscape

This tri-fold pamphlet describes the best ways to create a natural landscape that will reduce water use in New Mexico.

There are many types of vegetation suitable for the backyard.  Sometimes species such as the Kentucky bluegrass are introduced that require more resources than the land can provide.  It is important to understand the benefits of suitable plants.  The pamphlet suggests vegetation based on three levels of water requirements within three sections of New Mexico.  If a xeriscape is introduced into your backyard, you will see an increase in natural plant diversity and a decrease in annual costs for water and fertilizer.  The pamphlet also provides a list of suggested reading if you wish to learn more about xeriscaping.


New Mexico Office of the State Engineer
Date Published
May 2004
New Mexico Office of the State Engineer
Santa Fe, NM (US)
Resource Format
Site Evaluation/Selection, Species Selection, Plant Health Care
New Mexico
Landscape, Mulching, Soil Amendment, Resource Management., Landscape, Mulching, Soil Amendment, Resource Management.
MW: F-PAMP-NM-04-001
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