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The Influence of Soils and Species on Tree Root Depth

There are numerous publications on the root plate dimensions of windthrown trees, but few relate the root depth and spread to the soil types in which the trees were growing. It is well known that different soil types and their properties are an important factor in determining the rooting habit of a tree. This Information Note reviews the available published information and aims to fill in some gaps to produce a guide of plausible rooting depth ranges for a selection of species on soils with different characteristics. By providing information on the likely extent of tree roots, this Note aims to be useful to anyone with an interest in subterranean utilities, objects or features.

The ever-increasing quantity of utilities located below ground has highlighted the need for a greater awareness of tree root distributions and the likelihood of these utilities being affected by subsequent root growth. Similarly, landscape designers, planners and land managers are often interested in the potential distribution of tree roots when considering the preservation of features such as buried archaeological evidence, watercourses, foundations and pavements. In addition, civil engineers need to take into account the potential extent of tree roots when placing mineral caps and soils over landfill and similar reconstructed landscapes.

P. Crow
Date Published
November 2005
Forestry Commission, Environmental and Human Sciences Division
Farnham, Surrey (UK)
Publication Number
Resource Format
Soil Properties, Biology (tree)
United Kingdom
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