Published Library Resources
This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.
Each will have a title and description (or abstract); when available a URL link will provide access to the full text of the resource or a contact for acquisition.
Enter a word or phrase to search in: title, description (or abstract), author, and keywords.
A Unique Outdoor Area Promotes Healing and Wellness Through Connection with Nature
- Urban Forest Management: A Primer to Strategic Planning for Municipal Governments
- The purpose of this guide is to assist in the organization of a strategic plan for urban forest management. This guide was written specifically for use by people responsible for the initiation, or redesign, an urban forest management program. The methodology is flexible, adaptable and ...
Know Your Tree Biology
- Understanding tree biology is critical to providing appropriate tree health care. Many people know the basics of what trees need to survive and thrive—water, sunlight, air, elements—but it is important to know how these factors interact in a whole tree. This publication provides tree biology ... read more...
- Forest Connectivity in the Developing Landscape: A Design Guide for Conservation Developments
- This guide provides the reasons, steps, processes and marketing tools for conservation subdivision design. It builds on other works on this topic by incorporating modern tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis, habitat modeling, and best design practices for maximizing forest ...
- Trees to Offset Stormwater: A Study of 12 Communities
- The Trees to Offset Stormwater project is a study of the role of urban tree canopy in taking up, storing and releasing water to reduce impacts from stormwater runoff. The nonprofit Green Infrastructure Center Inc. (GIC) developed the project with urban and community forestry program coordinators ...
Forest Connectivity in the Developing Landscape: A Design Guide for Conservation Developments
- This guide, developed by the Green Infrastructure Center, provides the reasons, steps, processes and marketing tools for conservation subdivision design. read more...
Urban Tree Monitoring Protocols: Field Guide (2015 Working Draft)
- This manual, Urban Tree Monitoring Protocols: Field Guide, was developed by the Urban Tree Growth and Longevity (UTGL) Working Group. The UTGL Working Group is part of the Arboriculture Research & Education Academy of the International Society of Arboriculture. Our mission is to foster ... read more...
Soil Profile Rebuilding—Abbreviated Specification
- Specification for Restoration of Graded and Compacted Soils that will be Vegetated read more...
Gravel Bed Stormwater Detention System for Growing Trees in Extra-urban Areas
- The purpose of this demonstration project was to show the potential of an inexpensive, gravel-based stormwater detention system to store water for use by trees in ultra-urban areas without sacrificing needed parking space. read more...
Gravel Bed Stormwater Retention System - Greenhouse Demonstration Project
- This project was conducted to better understand below-ground tree root morphology in gravel-based stormwater retention systems. read more...
Clarkesville Green Infrastructure Implementation Strategy
- This report was developed under USEPA Contract No. EP-C-11-009 as part of the 2014 USEPA Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Program. read more...
A Green Infrastructure Guide for Small Cities, Towns and Rural Communities
- The purpose of this Guide is to support small cities, towns and rural settlements with the integration of green infrastructure into their communities. Much of the current green infrastructure research and guidance focuses on densely populated urban centres. Smaller and rural settlements are often ... read more...
Evaluation of Natural Green Infrastructure for Watershed Planning in the City of Atlanta
- This white paper describes a Preservation Evaluation Tool used to assign an evaluation score to a particular area of preservation or restoration interest and a watershed model used to understand the water quality benefits provided by natural GI and the City’s tree canopy. This tool was developed by ... read more...
Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- The purpose of this draft document is to focus on the research-based effects of trees on urban stormwater runoff, provide some helpful urban forest management strategies to maximize stormwater benefits, and demonstrate several examples around the United States where the stormwater benefits of urban ... read more...
- URBAN TREE CANOPY ASSESSMENT: A Community’s Path to Understanding and Managing the Urban Forest
- An Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) assessment, which provides a measure of a community’s tree canopy cover, is important for understanding the extent of a community’s forest or tree resource. UTC assessments are often used for establishing and implementing municipal tree canopy goals as part of broader ...
- Quantifying the benefits of urban forest systems as a component of the green infrastructure stormwater treatment network
- The use of green infrastructure for reducing stormwater runoff is increasingly common. One under‐studied component of the green infrastructure network is the urban forest system. Trees can play an important role as the “first line of defense” for restoring more natural hydrologic regimes in urban ...
Gravel Bed Tree Planting Series - Construction
- This document provides instructions for designing, constructing, and maintaining a gravel bed for growing bare-root trees in the South. read more...
Gravel Bed Tree Planting Series – Five-Year Growth Data
- This case study documents 5-year diameter growth data of four different tree species out-planted from a gravel bed in Athens, GA. read more...
Gravel Bed Tree Planting Series – Growth Data by Planting Date
- Timing of out-planting trees from a gravel bed has been shown to have an impact on diameter growth. Out-planting later in the growing season allows bare-root trees to establish root systems through fall, giving the trees a head start on diameter growth the following growing season compared to trees ... read more...
Gravel Bed Tree Planting Series – Survival Data
- This case study documents the rate of survival after 5 years for saplings grown in a gravel bed for 7-15 months and out-planted around Athens, GA. read more...
- The Health of Trees in Bioretention: A Survey and Analysis of Influential Variables
- This research study compared the health of trees in bioretention systems in TN and NC with trees in other open-grown, urban settings.
US Urban Forest Statistics, Values, and Projections
- Urban & community forestry research article from the Journal of Forestry showing trends and projections in urban land expansion from 2000 to 2060. Information in this paper provides an estimate of the magnitude and variation of the urban forest resource nationally, its likely expansion in the ... read more...
Greening the Grey - Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Development (11-DG-11132544-130)
- A deliverable for NUCFAC: Green Infrastructure Assessment: Mapping and Evaluating the Support System for Green Infrastructure Planning in the United States read more...
Green Infrastructure Assessment: Mapping and Evaluating the Support System for Green Infrastructure Planning - Progress Report (11-DG-11132544-130)
Green Infrastructure Assessment Survey Overview (11-DG-11132544-130)
Weather-Wise Worksheet - Additonal Presentations (11-DG-11420004-041)
- Presentations by Andy Whitman to support the NUCFAC: Managing Urban Forest to Increase Community Resiliency to Climate Change. read more...
Quantification of BMP Impact (14-DG-11132540-104)
- A presentation to the Forestry Workgroup Meeting, August 2016 read more...
Green Infrastructure & Forestry Toolkit (13-DG-11132544-416)
- NARC and VT created the Green Infrastructure & Forestry Toolkit (GIFT) website to assist both novice and expert local governments in developing a regional green infrastructure system. GIFT is designed to be a one-stop-shop for information and resources on green infrastructure and urban forestry. ... read more...
Monitoring Tree Survival and Performance in Street-Side Stormwater Management Facilities - Progress Report (15-DG-1132544-041)
Jobs and Equity in the Urban Forest - Final Report (15-DG-11132544-034)
- This study—co-authored by Ecotrust and PolicyLink, with extensive input, review, and data assistance from Verde—examines the economic, ecological, and social impacts of existing community-based urban forestry investments designed to benefit low-income communities of color. read more...
Jobs and Equity in the Urban Forest - Executive Summary (15-DG-11132544-034)
- This study—co-authored by Ecotrust and PolicyLink, with extensive input, review, and data assistance from Verde—examines the economic, ecological, and social impacts of existing community-based urban forestry investments designed to benefit low-income communities of color. read more...
Weather-Wise Worksheet - A tool for increasing resiliency of private forests to climate change
- PDF copy of the 2014 presentation to the Maine SAF Meeting (Wells Commons, Orono (ME)) read more...
Urban and Community Forestry Climate Preparedness and Response - Final Report (09-DG-11062765-032)
From Gray to Green - Tools - Final Report (14-DG-11132544-102)
- Transitioning to Vegetation-Based Stormwater Management
Integrating Trees Into Stormwater Management Design and Policy – A Guide for Local Decision Makers (15-DG-11132544-036)-Final Report
- A valuable resource for promoting, facilitating and increasing the use of trees for stormwater management. read more...
Standardizing the Return on Investment in Urban and Community Forestry Resources - 2018 Update
- This project designs an easily adoptable assessment methodology that informs the investment decisions of the private, public and nonprofit sectors. read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Stormwater Performance Based Credit Calculator
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #6 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Pollutant Load Reduction Credit Tool
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #4 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Water Balance Model Documentation
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #2 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Stormwater Performance-Based Credit for Urban Tree Planting
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #5 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Documentation for Stormwater Performance-Based Credit
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #7 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Pollutant Load Reduction Credit
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #3 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Literature Review
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #1 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Making Urban Trees Count: Design Specifications for Urban Tree Planting
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #8 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
Evaluating the influence of design strategies and meteorological factors on tree transpiration in bioretention suspended pavement practices
- U.S. Forest Service, Grant/Award Number: 14‐DG‐11132540‐098 US Forest Service (USFS) National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) read more...
- Errors in GIS: Assessing spatial data accuracy
- This article discusses spatial data accuracy in a resource management setting, beginning with a brief description of spatial data models and an overview of spatial data accuracy (including definition, identification, quantification, and documentation). It concludes with a review of accuracies ...
- How cities use parks to . . . help children learn
- Childhood is a holistic process, different for each individual child. Many children do not learn effectively exclusively within a classroom.They need alternative, hands-on learning environments to match their varied learning styles. Test-driven education mandates often do not emphasize children's ...
- The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America
- Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America
- The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America
- Kaufman Field Guide to Birds of North America
Dallas Urban Heat Management Study
- A regional climate and health assessment conducted by the Urban Climate Lab of the Georgia Institute of Technology for the Texas Trees Foundation read more...
Houston East End Students Leverage Environmental Education to Transform an Urban Food Desert into a Food Forest
- This case study highlights a 2013 NUCFAC-recommended USDA Forest Service grant, Greenschools!: Model for Green Communities read more...
Targeted Urban Forestry Investments Create Community Benefits and Jobs
- This case study highlights a 2015 NUCFAC-recommended USDA Forest Service grant, Evaluating the Job-Creation and Community Social and Economic Benefits of Urban Forestry and Related Green Infrastructure read more...
Nature Play Design Guidelines Support Growing Natural Interest in Connecting Children with Nature
- This case study highlights a 2011 NUCFAC-recommended USDA Forest Service grant, The Natural Play and Learning Areas National Guidelines Project. read more...
Soil Organic Carbon Stocks are Larger than Expected in Urban Ecosystems
- This case study highlights a 2012 NUCFAC-recommended USDA Forest Service grant, Carbon Sequestration and Resiliency of the Urban Forest read more...
Investments in Metro Nature Yields Billions of Dollars of Health Care Savings Each Year in the U.S.
- This case study highlights a 2011 NUCFAC-recommended USDA Forest Service grant, Urban Forest Human Health and Well-being Benefits: Translating Evidence to Economic Valuation Models read more...
The Sustainable Urban Forest Guide: A Step-by-Step Approach
- This guide is designed primarily to help municipalities assess the state of their urban forest, identify management concerns, and chart a path forward, step by step, toward long-term sustainability. read more...
- Assessing the Impact of NUCFAC-recommended US Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Grants (2010-2015) - White Paper
- Twenty-six grants, awarded during years 2010-2015, were assessed for a number of impact indicators.
Assessing the Impact of Urban and Community Forestry Federal Grants - Final Report
- A report on funding that advances research and projects focused on improving the efficiency and quality of urban and community forests is economically, socially, and environmentally imperative. read more...
Assessing the Impact of Urban and Community Forestry Federal Grants - Summary
- To demonstrate the value of NUCFAC- recommended grants, the USFS supported an assessment of twenty-six grants, awarded during the years 2010-2015. The following summary report includes results from this assessment. read more...
Stormwater Management Benefits of Trees
- The benefits of trees as stormwater management practices, especially in urban and suburban settings, have recently been more widely recognized. Here, we summarize recent work describing and quantifying the stormwater management benefits of trees, especially at the individual tree and property/site ... read more...
Review of the Available Literature and Data on the Runoff and Pollutant Removal Capabilities of Urban Trees
- The Center for Watershed Protection reviewed a total of 159 publications to evaluate the research questions defined in the scope of this project: 1. What is the effectiveness of urban tree planting on reducing runoff, nutrient and sediment, and 2. How does effectiveness vary by species, over time, ... read more...
- The Role of Trees in Urban Stormwater Management
- Arboriculture deserves additional consideration as a stormwater control measure. The reliable use of trees for stormwater control depends on improved understanding of how and to what extent trees interact with stormwater, and the context-specific consideration of optimal arboricultural practices ...
LEAF Summit - UCF Focus Perspective and Human Health
- USDA FS national approach to interpreting and using urban forest research (the national technology & science delivery team) – with trees and human health as the focus. read more...
Urban Forest and Human Health Links and Discussion
- A selected list of links of the relationship between human health and urban green read more...
- Quantifying the benefits of urban forest systems as a component of the green infrastructure stormwater treatment network
- The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the limited research performed, document areas of need for quantifying the benefits of urban trees for stormwater management, and provide a basis for providing credits for trees in stormwater designs.
All You Need to Know About Community Gravel Beds
- Guide developed by University of Minnesota showing how to construct and maintain a gravel bed (including costs) for growing bare-root trees. read more...
Give Me the Numbers: How Trees and Urban Forest Systems Really Affect Stormwater Runoff (Presentation Notes)
- Presentation notes from presentation given by Aarin Teague and Eric Kuehler at StormCon 2016 Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN on August 23, 2016. read more...
Give Me the Numbers: How Trees and Urban Forest Systems Really Affect Stormwater Runoff
- Presentation given by Aarin Teague and Eric Kuehler at 2016 StormCon Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN on August 23, 2016 read more...
2014-2015 Atlanta i-Tree Eco Project Results
- This i-Tree Eco report outlines the environmental benefits of the City of Atlanta, GA urban forest from data collected on 443 plots in 2014 and 2015. read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - Factsheet
- A one page factsheet describing the UFSMR.
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - Discovery Catagory Matrix
- This is a PDF of the table for summarizing document discovery by category and element. Provides a visual "gap" analysis across the review/audit spectrum of evaluation. read more...
GIS Tools and Domains for Urban Forestry
- A handout for the 10th Southern Forestry and Natural Resource Management GIS Conference, December 7-8, 2015, Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens (GA) presentation by Rama Sivakumar and Dudley Hartel. read more...
Rock Creek Watershed Stormwater Runoff Analysis: Executive Summary
- The purpose of this modeling project is to estimate the benefits of increased urban tree canopy cover (TC) and reduced directly connected impervious area (DCIA) on stream water quantity and quality in the Rock Creek Watershed. The i-Tree Hydro model was used to estimate stormwater runoff volume ... read more...
Rock Creek Watershed Stormwater Runoff Analysis: i-Tree Hydro Report
- This stormwater modeling case study was presented at the 17th Annual EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference in Hot Springs, AR October 21, 2015. read more...
Summary of Urban Citizen Forestry Programs
- A summary of 22 citizen forestry programs in the US. read more...
Data Model for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco (FGDB Schema)
- The schema for Georgia Tech's Center of GIS data model that supports i-Tree Eco in a file geodatabase or ArcSDE format. read more...
Data Model for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco (Complete Package)
- The entire package to implement Georgia Tech's Center for GIS extensible GIS data model to support the 100% inventory of campus trees to the i-Tree Eco protocol. read more...
Python Tools Developed for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco
- Georgia Tech's Center for GIS has developed Python tools for the GIS data model that automates the export of inventory data to i-Tree Eco and the subsequent import of the environmental services results. read more...
Data Model for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco
- Georgia Tech's Center for GIS has developed an extensible GIS data model to support the 100% inventory of campus trees to the i-Tree Eco protocol. read more...
Urban Forestry File Geodatabase (FGDB) Schema
- This is a schema report that summarizes the urban forestry file geodatabase created to illustrate the creation, editing, and use of domains in ArcGIS desktop, and ArcGIS Online (AGOL). read more...
Urban Forestry Using ArcGIS Domains and ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
- Domains are geodatabase components designed to make GIS editing tasks faster and more accurate ensuring integrity of your database and reliability of all products derived from that data. Within ArcGIS Online (AGOL) domains become the drop-down selection lists in ESRI Collector. read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - Checklist
- This is the current version of the Urban Forest Sustainability & Management Review checklist. Also see the beta version of the Excel spreadsheet tool. [23Feb17 Austin] read more...
Urban Tree Canopy - Discussion of 3rd Party Roles & Opportunities
- A discussion, in outline form, that identifies urban tree canopy (UTC) roles for remote sensing consultants. read more...
Understanding attitudes toward adoption of green infrastructure: A case study of US municipal officials
- The goal of this research was to identify attitudes that engineers, planners, and other local government staff have toward adopting GSI strategies in municipalities read more...
The Peculiarities of Pervious Cover: A research synthesis on allocating pollutant loads to urban land uses in the Chesapeake Bay
- Section 7 (pp 40-44) of this report discusses how tree canopy and forest fragments should be handled/credited on pervious land in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. read more...
- Effects of distributed and centralized stormwater best management practices and land cover on urban stream hydrology at the catchment scale
- This is a paired watershed research study to compare stormwater management strategy effects, including riparian buffer and tree canopy cover, on urban hydrology.
- Trees, People and the Built Environment II
- A compilation of urban tree and forest research papers from the Urban Trees Research Conference held at the University of Birmingham in Edgbaston, UK April 2-3, 2014
- Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations
- This document provides approaches local government officials and municipal program managers in small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. The guide demonstrates ways inwhich projects can be modified relatively ...
Green Infrastructure Planning Guidelines for Coastal Georgia
- This guide is addressing GI at the landscape scale; with the process for identifying, prioritizing, conserving, and managing systems (e.g. wetlands, riparian zones, natural areas, working farms & forests) read more...
Urban Runoff Pollutant Removal of Three Engineered Soils
- Looks at pollutant removal for 3 common engineered soils. read more...
The Effects of Trees on Stormwater Runoff
- This report summarizes the results of a literature review done for Seattle Public Utilities in 2008 of research conducted to quantify the effect of trees on stormwater runoff. read more...
Urban Forests in Florida: Trees Control Stormwater Runoff and Improve Water Quality
- In this fact sheet we will show how individual trees and urban forest cover assist in maintaining our watershed health, improve water and soil quality, and lower maintenance and construction costs of water storage and treatment systems. read more...
Trees in Bioretention
- This memorandum summarizes the available knowledge on the benefits and potential conflicts with trees in one specific type of stormwater management practice: bioretention. read more...
Current Resources for Urban Tree Canopy Accuracy Assessment
- Lists most recent accuracy assessment discussions.
Lightning Talk: Understanding Error Matrices (Accuracy Assessment)
- Brief presentation (slides) on accuracy assessment for landcover classifications read more...
Green Infrastructure: Abstracts from Low Impact Development 2010
- Presentation titles and abstracts from the 2010 conference: Redefining Water in The City, Proceedings of the 2010 International Low Impact Development Conference (San Francisco, California) read more...
An Urban Tree Canopy QAQC Process
- Urban tree canopy (UTC) classification workflow for a QA/QC review. read more...
A mixture of urban tree species best for removing atmospheric ozone
- Researchers tested the seasonal and annual removal of ozone by three types of trees; evergreen broadleaf, deciduous broadleaf, and conifer. These results demonstrate that tree types play complementary roles in stabilizing ozone removal over time and across different environmental conditions. read more...