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This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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WinTR-55 User Manual (NRCS)
Southern Catalpa: "The Fish Bait Tree"
Falling Tree Leaves: Leaf Abscission
Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) and Drought: A Selected Bibliography
Drought Damage To Trees
Watering Trees
Tree Selection For Drought Resistance
Water Movement In Trees
Osage-orange (Maclura pomifera): An American Traveler
Tree Trichomes: Big Hairy Tree?
Foxfire: Bioluminescence in the Forest
New Papers on Nitrogen Fertilization of Trees: A Selected Bibliography
Classification of American Cities by Ecoregion
Basic Water Properties: Attributes and Reactions Essential for Tree Life
Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Pests: A Selected Bibliography
Tree Growth Response Systems
Pruning Effects On Tree Growth: Growth Regulation Consequences
Tree Allelochemicals: Ways and Means
Control of Shoot / Root Balance in Trees
Allelopathy In Trees
Potential Allelopathy In Different Tree Species
Trees of Christmas Past: A Brief History of Holiday Tree Traditions
Allelopathy In Trees And Forests: A Selected Bibliography
Flatheaded Borers On Hardwoods
Exotic Trees in the United States: Exotic Trees in the United States
Urban Forestry Manual (f) - Dendrology
Dendrology is an introduction to identifying and understanding trees in the urban environment. read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (d) - The Role of the State Forestry Agency in Urban Forestry
The State forestry agency offers many resources and opportunities for working with communities. Population growth, urbanization, and changes in land use underscore the need for communities to manage their urban forest. As an employee of the State forestry agency, you are in a unique position to ... read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (c) - Benefits and Costs of the Urban Forest
Urban forests are all the trees and other vegetation that grow in places where people live, work and play, from small communities in rural areas to large metropolitan cities. This includes trees on public and private land, along streets, in residential areas, parks and commercial developments, and ... read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (b) - Using Each Unit
This document explains the general layout of each of the units (chapters) of the Urban Forestry Manual. read more...
Municipal Code Libraries (On-line)
Land Development Provisions To Protect Georgia Water Quality
Heat Stroke in Trees
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-l) - Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (Appendix F)
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-k) - Existing Scenic Integrity Inventory (Appendix E)
Development and Assessment of a Fire Model for Forest Park, Portland, Oregon
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-g) - Terminology (Appendix A)
Lot Size Regulations and Water Quality Protection: The Case for Large Lots in Rural Areas
Urban Development in the Great Lakes Basin: What is the Federal Role in Regional Land Use Planning related to
A Comparison of Housing Growth Hotspots in the Midwestern and Northeastern U.S from 1940-2000
Stated Wildfire Evacuation Behavior in the WUI: Results from a Survey in Albuquerque, NM
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-q) - Bibliography
Defining the Urban/Rural Interface of the South Carolina Piedmont using a GIS-Based Model
Canyon Frags and the City: The Nature of Nature in San Diego
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-n) - Examples of Scenic Integrity Levels (Appendix H)
Rural-Urban Flows: Conceptualizing the Relationship Between the City and the Countryside in the Developing World
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-p) - Glossary
Defining the Interface: What is it? Where is it?
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-b) - Landscape Character (Chapter 1)
Navigating, Browsing & Searching at Urban Forestry South
Land development pressure on peri-urban forests: A case study in the Regional Municipality of York
A Guide to the New ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines
Best Fall Colors In Trees
Benefits of Urban Trees (1 Up)
Urban and Community Forestry: Improving Our Quality Of Life read more...
Identification of Lands Important for Protecting Water Quality and Watershed Integrity in the Chesapeake Bay
Chemical Use Reductions in Urban Fringe Agriculture
Urban Sprawl Towards Eden Gardens
The New International Population Order
Urban Planning, Ecology, and Public Health: A Critical Triad of Leadership, Research, and Policy
Forest Sustainability along Rural Urban Interfaces
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-f) - Scenery Management System Application (Chapter 5)
Fragile Population Segments in Georgia, USA
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-j) - Viewer Platform Design (Appendix D)
Effects of Urbanization on Forest Biodiversity in Alabama
A Protective Role for Avian Diversity in the United States West Nile Virus Epidemic
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-e) - Landscape Visibility (Chapter 4)
Riparian Forest Diversity and Structure Along an Urbanization Gradient in West Georgia, USA
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-i) - Visual Absorption Capability (Appendix C)
Urban Sprawl's Effect on Obesity and Cancer in Georgia
Land Development, Human Land Use, and Urban Sprawl in Puerto Rico - An Island-wide Approach from Geotechnologies
Large-Scale Land Transformations in China Estimated with Satellite Data: Urbanization and its Potential Consequences
Analyzing Tree Cover in South Carolina's Rapidly Urbanizing I-85 Corridor
The Bio-Geo-Socio-Chemistry of Urban Watersheds
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-d) - Constituent Information (Chapter 3)
Leaf Area Density as an urban forestry planning and management tool
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-m) - Background and History (Appendix G)
Agriculture and Territorial Changes in Peri-Urban Zones in Central Mexico
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-h) - Legislation and Directives (Appendix B)
Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems: Systems, Location, and Site Character in Tennessee
Emerging Exurbia: A Comparative Analysis of Exurban Settlement Patterns Across the U.S.
The Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership - A Multi-Agency Response to a Growing Problem
Community Advisor - Firewise
Agricultural Viability at the Urban Fringe
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-o) - Case Study (Appendix I)
Blurring the Boundaries: The Urban-Rural Interface and the Need for Cultural Change in Ecology, Planning, and Management
Strategic planning in urban forestry: A 21st century paradigm shift for small town Canada
Visitor Preferences for Trees in Streetscapes: Nature and Commerce in Athens, Georgia
Initiating Fall Leaf Color
Littleleaf Disease On Loblolly Pine: Symptom Outline
Landscapes & Calcium Hypochlorite
Trees & Chlorine Gas: Dosage, Damage & Treatments
Thanksgiving: A Forest Feast
Internal & External Tree Reactions To Chlorine Gas
Tree Reactions To Chlorine Gas Exposure
Autumn Forest and Landscape Color
Chlorine Gas Exposure & Trees
Fall Tree Color Pigments
Tree Damage From Chlorine Gas: A Selected Bibliography
Training Young Trees
Relative Tolerance of Tree Species to Construction Damage
Winterizing Trees: Dormant Season Preparations
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