Urban Forestry Manual (f) - Dendrology
Book (Chapter)
Dendrology is an introduction to identifying and understanding trees in the urban environment.
Many different aspects of urban forestry depend on your knowledge of dendrology. Some examples include tree health problems, species selection, hazard-tree identification, tree inventories, and urban wildlife habitat identification. Your knowledge of dendrology and skill in identifying trees can help you communicate this information and make recommendations to the community. This unit first defines dendrology and reviews types of trees in the south. The second section is about taxonomy of trees, which includes classification, naming trees, and tree identification. This information provides a foundation for the final section, which describes how the urban environment influences tree identification.
Urban Forestry Manual
Ingrid Sather, Ed Macie, Dudley R. Hartel
USDA Forest Service
Athens, GA
Southern Center for Urban Forest Research & Information
Identification, Urban Forest Management
Dendrology, Identification, UF Manual, Urban Forestry Manual