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Initial attack discussion lacking in report
In December 2002, fire officials from the interagency Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (LLC), part of Arizona's National Advanced Resource Technology Center (NARTC), released a report reviewing firefighting and related operations during the massive urban interface fires that struck Southern ...
People and fire in western Colorado
Through this report we will share the results of some initial research on community perspectives about wildfire and fire management. We are hopeful that the perspectives and understandings of more than 275 persons in western Colorado, who participated in the group discussions hosted by this ...
Fostering sustainable behavior through community-based social marketing
Psychology has a central role to play in speeding the transition to a sustainable future, because a central aspect of sustainability is widespread behavior change. To date, however, most programs promoting sustainable behavior have featured information-intensive campaigns that make little use of ...
Cone calorimeter testing of vegetation--an update
As part of efforts to address fire problems in the wildland-urban interface, the cone calorimeter is being used to measure the relative flammability of different plant species. In the first two studies, we tested plants used to landscape homes in California and an assortment of plants found in ...
A study of wildland fire communications in the United States: Summary report
This study explored the current state of wildland fire communications in the United States from the perspective of wildland fire communicators. At the outset, it sought to identify the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and backgrounds of a population of natural resource professionals with wildland fire ...
100 of the world's worst invasive alien species: A selection from the global invasive species database
Careless behavior leads to unintentional introductions. So-called 'accidents' now account for the majority of successful invasions. The list of "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species" in this booklet illustrates the incredible variety of species that have the ability, not just to travel ...
Impacts of changing land use
Development is a major ecosystem stressor for the Great Lakes basin and its nearshore areas. The many forms of development�covering industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural, and transportation-related activities�carry specific, significant, and cumulative impacts for the natural world and ...
Human migration and natural resources: implications for land managers and challenges for researchers
Rural areas of the Pacific Northwest experienced a dramatic growth in population during the late 1980s to early 1990s. This growth was fueled by both push and pull factors, including environmental and natural resource-based amenities. Such growth has not only stressed the capacity of rural counties ...
Summary Report: 1997 National Resources Inventory (revised December 2000)
This bulletin includes state and national level estimates for changes in broad land cover/use, cropland use by irrigated and non-irrigated acres, broad land cover/use by land capability class and subclass, prime farmland, erosion and erodibility, wildlife habitat diversity, and wetlands and ...
National strategy for special forest products
This strategy sets forth Forest Service strategic goals and suggests key actions for managing renewable resources associated with special forest products (SFP) within the framework of ecosystem management. It sets forth principles and priorities that serve as a foundation for developing and action ...
Living with fire: A guide for the homeowner
This publication is provided to help home owners, firefighters, and the general public identify numerous activities that will help you coexist more safely with wildfire.
American perspectives on the wildland/urban interface
American Perspectives on the Wildland/Urban interface is a compilation of personal view points from stakeholders, local, state, and federal agencies, private and public landowners, and concerned citizens. The intent of this publication is to provide an opportunity to explore various perspectives ...
Small-diameter success stories
Public and private forests are in critical need of restoration by thinning small-diameter timber. If economical and value-added uses for this thinned material can be found, forest restoration costs could be offset and catastrophic wildfires would be minimized. At the same time, forestry-dependent ...
The speculative shadow over timberland values in the U.S. South
In well-functioning markets, forestland prices capture a wealth of information regarding current as well as anticipated uses of land and resources contained on it. They reflect the valuation of current uses and incorporate information regarding productivity, standing timber capital, and the ...
The look of the land: Homeowner landscape management and wildfire preparedness in Minnesota and Florida
Many forest and fire agencies seek to influence homeowners to manage vegetation near their home to reduce wildfire risk. To be successful managers need to understand the range of existing landscape typologies based on a defensible space evaluation, homeowners' activities for wildfire preparedness, ...
The geography of health
In an article in the April 2001 issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Howard Frumkin, M.D. argues for a new approach to environmental health and medicine, one that focuses on the curative powers of nature rather than on its hazards. Frumkin�s investigations have augmented a growing ...
Urban tree cover: an ecological perspective
Analysis of urban tree cover is generally limited to inventories of tree structure and composition on public lands. This approach provided valuable information for resource management. However, it does not account for all tree cover within an urban landscape, thus providing insufficient information ...
Regional climate change in the Southern United States: the implications for wildfire occurrence
Fires have always been an important factor in determining the composition of forests worldwide, but particularly in the southern United States. Wildfires were a common occurrence in American forests in the early twentieth century. Before 1930, wildfires typically accounted for the burning of eight ...
Proceedings of the Symposium Urban Agriculture: Emerging Opportunities in Science, Education, and Policy
Agriculture has typically been associated with the production of food and fiber commodities in rural areas. In the 21st century, agriculture is much broader than this and includes such diverse items as environmental horticulture, planning the use of green space, control of insect and rodent pests, ...
Preliminary evaluation of the flammability of native and ornamental plants with the cone calorimeter
Standard test methods determine the relative fire performance of building materials. In an attempt to improve the information on plants, we reviewed the test methods of building materials. A recent development in the testing of building materials is the determination of the heat release rate of the ...
Diversity in forest management: non-timber forest products and bush meat
This paper provides an overview of the complexity, practical and policy challenges that need to be faced in dealing with sustainable management of forests for non-timber forest products (NTFP). Conservation biologists, resource managers and policy makers are all faced by the high diversity of ...
Deadwood - living forests
In international and European political processes, deadwood is increasingly being accepted as a key indicator of naturalness in forest ecosystems. Governments which have recognised the need to preserve the range of forest values and are committed to these processes can help reverse the current ...
Bark beetles, fuels, and fire [CD-ROM]
Bark beetle-induced mortality is known to alter the characteristics of fuels complexes and associated fire behavior in Intermountain forests. These changes are often assumed to be linked with increased fire hazard and have therefore become important issues for land management ...
Balancing ecosystem values: innovative experiments for sustainable forestry: Proceedings of a conference
Balancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sustainable Forestry is a compendium of more than 40 contributions from Asia, Europe, and North America. The theme encompasses experiments implemented at an operational scale to test ecological, social, or economic responses to silvicultural ...
Land use planning and growth management in the American west
During the past two years, state planners in 13 western states have met in the Western State Planning Leadership Retreat, an annual event sponsored by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Western Consensus Council. Cosponsors include the Western Governors� Association, the Council of State ...
Our built and natural environments: A technical review of the interactions between land use, transportation, and environmental quality
In recent years interest has grown in Smart Growth as a mechanism for improving environmental quality. In Our Built and Natural Environments, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) summarizes technical research on the relationship between the built and natural environments, as well as ...
Global climate change and wildlife in North America
Wildlife species are closely adapted to their environments and readily respond to climate variation. However, as discussed in this technical review, the climate change now underway has extensive potential to affect wildlife throughout North America, either directly or indirectly through responses ...
Forests on the edge: housing development on America's private forests
The private working land base of America's forests is being converted to developed uses, with implications for the condition and management of affected private forests and the watersheds in which they occur. The Forests on the Edge project seeks to improve understanding of the processes and ...
Flammability of Christmas trees and other vegetation
Vegetation can play a critical role in fires involving structures. Two specific examples are evergreen trees used as decoration indoors during the Christmas season and outdoor vegetation near structures in the wildland-urban interface. The fire safety of vegetation involves its tendency to ignite ...
Conserving water in the home landscape
Water is the lifeblood of plants. It is required for seed germination, plant growth, photosynthesis, nutrient transport and temperature control. Water also maintains turgidity, which enables leaves to retain their shapes. As Florida's population grows and the state becomes more urbanized, the ...
Como podar arboles
El prop�sito de la poda es tener plantas fuertes, sanas y atractivas. Esta meta se puede alcanzar sabiendo c�mo, cu�ndo y por qu� podar, y siguiendo unos cuantos principios muy sencillos.
Characteristics and location of the wildland-urban interface in the United States
The references to the WUI in recent policy and legislation create an opportunity for better, more specific information about its location and characteristics. Despite its importance in wildland fire management, we are only beginning to understand the WUI across the landscape. What is the extent of ...
A tool for forest landowners in the Southeast [CD-ROM]
This interactive program will educate you about issues and topics related to forest resource management. It will guide you through the process of determining management objectives for your forestland, and assess your current management activities.
A citizen's call for ecological forest restoration: forest restoration principles and criteria
The Citizens’ Call for Ecological Forest Restoration is proposed as a national policy framework to guide sound ecological restoration policy and projects. Through these restoration principles, we seek to articulate a collective vision of ecologically appropriate, scientifically supported forest ...
A burning issue
Firewise landscaping can help your clients save their homes and properties . . . if they're willing to accept it. While wildfires in the West and Southwest usually grab the headlines every summer, the risk of sudden, widespread wildfires in the United States isn't limited to a few regions. In fact, ...
Sustainable use of non-traditional forest products: Alternative forest-based income opportunities
For generations, residents of Central Appalachia have supplemented their income by processing and marketing non-traditional forest products (NTFPs) gathered from forest lands. The NTFP business is growing rapidly-perhaps faster than that of timber. Some estimate that NTFP markets had grown nearly ...
Summary of the forest fragmentation 2000 conference: How forests are being nibbled to death by DUCs, and what to do about it
Forests are being parceled and peopled. More and more of America's private working forests are being fragmented into smaller pieces that are less viable economically and ecologically: so concluded most of the more than 50 papers and posters presented at the Fragmentation 2000 Conference. According ...
State of the birds USA 2004
This report sums up the status of 654 bird species native to the continental United States according to the country's four major types of natural habitat—grass, shrubs, trees, and water. Urban habitat, which is increasing more rapidly than any other type, is also included; the ability of birds to ...
National strategy and implementation plan for invasive species management
This document is not designed to serve as a comprehensive, all-encompassing strategy. Instead it is intended to identify a strategic direction for Forest Service programs spanning Research and Development, International Programs, State and Private Forestry, and the National Forest System.To help ...
Living with fire: homeowner assessment of landscape values and defensible space in Minnesota and Florida, USA
Homeowners’ preferences for vegetation and defensible space near their homes were documented for wildfire-prone areas in Florida and Minnesota (USA) through 80 in-depth interviews and home site visits. The dominant preference for ‘natural’ landscapes was articulated as valuing vegetated views, ...
Landscape design for water conservation
Water conservation is becoming an important part of Florida's overall water management program. Saltwater intrusion and pollutants threaten Florida's limited water resources, and increasing urbanization and periodic drought are placing greater demands on water supplies. For these reasons, nursery ...
Water quality trading assessment handbook: can water quality trading advance your watershed's goals?
This Handbook will help you assess the environmental, economic, and technical factors that will influence the ability to create and sustain a water quality trading market. The purpose of this Handbook is to help assess if water quality trading is worth pursuing in your watershed. Developing a ...
Using GIS suitability analysis to identify potential future land use conflicts in North Central Florida
This article presents the Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS) that employs role playing and suitability modeling to predict areas where future land use conflict is likely to occur. A simple land use classification system of conservation, urban and agricultural land was derived from ...
U.S. business actions to address climate change: case studies of five industry sectors
This report on U.S. industry sector approaches to addressing greenhouse gas emissions first examines U.S. greenhouse gas policy on both the federal and state levels, before turning to the actions of selected industries in tackling climate change. Based on interviews with numerous individuals ...
Trees, houses, and habitat: Private forests at the wildland-urban interface
How population growth and development affect forests is a shared concern among forest managers, policymakers, land use planners, and fish and wildlife specialists. Of particular interest is the �wildland-urban interface.� It is characterized by expansion of residential and other developed land ...
Toward a new metropolis: the opportunity to rebuild America
Most American states and metropolitan areas have some idea as to the amount of growth they expect over the next several decades, based on estimates of projected demographic, household, market and industry trends. These estimates form the foundation of public policies and are vital for use in goal ...
Wildland/urban interface fire research at the USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: past, present, and future
The USDA Forest Service is the federal agency responsible for our National Forests. In cooperation with other federal land management agencies and state governments, the Forest Service has a major role in the prevention and control of forest fires. At the USDA Forest Service, Forest Products ...
Urban wildlife habitats: a landscape perspective
This book focuses on wildlife and habitats of urban and urbanizing environments. Unlike the rural countryside, such areas are densely populated by people and land unit sizes are small, with multiple ownerships. Even so, many species can inhabit our cities, towns, and villages. Generally, somewhat ...
Pyromancy: reading stories in the flames
A consensus history of fire in the United States has emerged over the past decade. It correctly identifies fire suppression's liabilities, while probably over-enthusing about fire-science capabilities. What it lacks, however, is a context of the subject's larger, braided narratives. There is, ...
Protecting your home from wildfire [Videocassette]
The video provides home protection guidelines for wildfire.
Protecting water resources with smart growth
Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth is intended for audiences already familiar with smart growth, who now seek specific ideas on how techniques for smarter growth can be used to protect their water resources. Section I of this report describes how communities have used smart growth ...
Postfire seeding for erosion control: effectiveness and impacts on native plant communities
Large, high-severity wildfires remove vegetation cover and expose mineral soil, ofen causing erosion and runoff during postfire rain events to increase dramatically. Land-management agencies in the United States are required to assess site conditions after wildfire and, where necessary, implement ...
Energy down the drain: the hidden costs of California's water supply
A proper understanding of water and energy can save both money and resources. Our report presents a model for how policymakers can calculate the amount of energy consumed in water use. We applied this model to three case studies in the western United States, and our analysis shows that integrating ...
Ecological design manual for Lake County
The goal of this manual is to illustrate how development objectives and natural resource protection needs within a high-growth area can be addressed through the physical design of residential projects. It is recognized that the changes development brings to an area are so strong and pervasive that ...
Death rides the forest: perceptions of fire, land use, and ecological restoration of Western forests
Large wild fires occurring in forests, grasslands, and chaparral in the last few years have aroused much public concern. Many have described these events as "catastrophes" that must be prevented through aggressive increases in forest thinning. Yet the real catastrophes are not the fires themselves ...
Data report: a supplement to the National Report on Sustainable Forests - 2003
This report supplements the National Report on Sustainable Forests' 2003 (National Report). This report 'The Data Report' repeats the one page summaries and also includes the supporting analysis for each indicator, when available. The Data Report first has a listing of the criteria and indicators ...
"Boutique" forestry: new forest practices in urbanizing landscapes
The owners of small forests are potential clients for professional forestry services and important constituents who can affect the future of forests and forestry. Unfortunately, many owners of small forests are wary of foresters and many foresters are cautious about practicing forestry on small ...
Beyond smoke and mirrors: a synthesis of fire policy and science
Fire performs many beneficial ecosystem functions in dry forests and rangelands across much of North America. In the last century, however, the role of fire has been dramatically altered by numerous anthropogenic factors acting as root causes of the current fire crisis, including widespread ...
Assessing regional economic impacts of recreation travel from limited survey data
Regional economic impacts of public recreation facilities are caused by purchases made by households during trip production. Purchases are made near home, en route, or near the recreation site. Locations where en route purchases are made are particularly ill-defined. Surveys that gather trip ... read more...
Oak wilt: people & trees: a community approach to management [CD-ROM]
This CD contains a self-paced oak wilt short course designed for urban and community foresters, city administrators, tree inspectors, parks and recreation staff, and others involved in oak wilt management. The core information is presented in three Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows designed for ...
Forest restoration and fire: principles in the context of place
There is broad consensus that active management through thinning and fire is urgently needed in many forests of the western United States. This consensus stems from physically based models of fire behavior and substantial empirical evidence. But the types of thinning and fire and where they are ...
Florida in flames [Videocassette]
This dramatic short video has no narrative, but music accompanies the stark images and newspaper headlines tell the story of the 1998 wildfires. A map of Flagler County shows the evacuated region. Aerial views with helicopter and air tanker fire fighting efforts are shown. There are quite a few ...
Firewise landscaping [Videocassette]
Landscape architects and designers from across the country wrote this 3-part firewise landscaping series. This is the first video of the series.
Firewise landscaping part III: maintenance [Videocassette]
Landscape architects and designers from across the country wrote this 3-part firewise landscaping series. This is the third video of the series.
Firewise landscaping part II: design and installation [Videocassette]
Landscape architects and designers from across the country wrote this 3-part firewise landscaping series. This is the second video of the series.
Firewise communities/USA [Videocassette]
This tape provides the necessary information on how residential developments can become Firewise. A review of selected communities that have received recognition helps explain the Firewise standards and the recognition process.
Fire in the wildland-urban interface: preparing a firewise plant list for WUI residents
This extension publication is a guide to making a firewise plant list to assist local homeowners with firewise landscaping. It includes a step-by-step method for determining whether or not a particular plant is appropriate for firewise landscaping. Extension agents, nursery personnel, landscape ... read more...
Fire in the southland [Videocassette]
This short version of the classic video begins with footage and interviews with residents and fire fighters from the Waldo wildfire of 1998. After a minute, the video shifts to a discussion of prescribed fire, then the history of prescribed fire use and fire suppression, followed by the ecological ...
Conveying the power of trees [CD-ROM]
On this CD you will find various files pertaining to the six major categories of the work that is produced by the Human-Environment Research Lab (HERL): ADD and nature, crime and nature, girls and nature, green relief, neighbors and nature, and poverty and nature.
Community response to the New South Wales bushfires 2001-2002
Information pertaining to the risk perception, knowledge, behaviour, and level of participation in safety activities was obtained from 1,219 householders from six locations affected by the 2001-2002 bushfires in New South Wales. Overall the study indicated that the level of preparedness for ...
Climatic change, wildfire, and conservation
Climatic variability is a dominant factor affecting large wildfires in the western United States, an observation supported by palaeoecological data on charcoal in lake sediments and reconstructions from fire-scarred trees. Although current fire management focuses on fuel reductions to bring fuel ...
2003 National Planning Conference: the wildland-urban interface [Audio Cassette]
The audio tape contains recordings of the wildland-urban interface session of the 2003 National Planning Conference, held in Denver, Colorado.
Impacts of fire-suppression activities on natural communities
The ecological impacts of wildland fire-suppression activities can be significant and may surpass the impacts of the fire itself. A recent paradigm shift from fire control to fire management has resulted in increased attention to minimizing the negative effects of suppression. While the philosophy ...
How to have a firewise home: protecting our homes in Florida [CD-ROM]
The CD installs a firewise program.
Home improvement: a firewise approach
This home improvement and landscaping video documents one home's journey to become Firewise. The video discusses and illustrates each stage of the landscaping and construction renovations in detail of the home to meet Firewise criteria. Appropriate for homeowners, home construction and landscaping ...
Southern California firestorm 2003: report for the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
This report identifies large unresolved issues, but its primary purpose is to report how people overcame challenges when the demands of the fire situation exceeded the capacity of the rules and the system to provide answers. Repeatedly, the LLC Information Collection Team heard leaders—from engine ...
National report on sustainable forests - 2003
This is a report on the state of the forests in the United States of America and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management. Our goal is to provide information that will improve public dialog and decisionmaking on what outcomes are desired and what actions ...
Mitigation: resources for success [CD-ROM]
The CD is both an educational resource and a marketing tool. The Development Team designed this CD to meet the needs of a broad audience. Anyone concerned with building a safer future will find useful information, publications, technical fact sheets, photographs, case studies and Federal and State ...
Mass media attitude change: implications of the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion
Our goal in this chapter is to present a brief overview of current psychological approaches to mass media influence, and to outline in more detail a general framework that can be used to understand the processes responsible for mass media attitude change. This framework is called the Elaboration ...
Linking wilderness research and management: Volume 1 - wilderness fire restoration and management: an annotated reading list
The Wilderness Act of 1964 designates wilderness areas as places where natural conditions prevail and humans leave landscapes untrammeled. Managers of wilderness and similarly protected areas have a mandate to maintain wildland fire as a natural ecological process. However, because fire suppression ...
Wildfire: preventing home ignitions [Videocassette]
This program tells you how a wildfire can ignite your home. You will learn how the combustion process causes home ignitions, how some homes are destroyed while others survive, and how your most effective home protection efforts can occur within the "home ignition zone."
Wildfire: are you prepared? [Videocassette]
This video starts with wildfire footage and a news anchor introduction, but quickly moves to the main topic of home wildfire safety. This video was developed for residents of high-risk, fire-prone ecosystems.
Where there's fire [Videocassette]
This video focuses on prescribed fire and its role in preventing wildfire. The role of prescribed fire in reducing fuels, preventing wildfire, and maintaining natural systems is discussed. The video describes the prescribed fire permitting process and discusses the social issues surrounding ...
Village of Wellington wildfire mitigation plan [CD-ROM]
The objective of the Wellington Wildfire Mitigation Plan is to reduce the risk to life and property from wildland fire in the Village by identifying and protecting homes, businesses, and public infrastructure assets at risk. This mitigation plan focuses on preferred management strategies and ...
Working together for safer communities [Videocassette]
The video is designed to educate viewers about measures taken by the Georgia Forestry Commission and other local, state and federal agencies to protect properties from wildfires.
Wildland / urban interface hazard assessment training [CD-ROM]
This four-CD set includes the Wildland/Urban Interface Hazard Assessment Training Course presentation and field assessment from Spearfish, South Dakota, and includes field assessments presented in Prescott, AZ; Boise, ID; Daytona Beach, FL; and Toms River, NJ. In addition to the Course CD, three ...
Wildfire! [Videocassette]
This video deals with fire in Florida. It shows the benefits of prescribed fire, from the effects of fire suppression to fire-dependent ecosystems. Smoke management is also discussed.
Wildfire! Preventing home ignitions [Videocassette]
This program could help save your home! You will learn how the combustion process affects forest fires, what you can do to create survivable space, why some homes are destroyed while others survive, and how to identify your home's Ignition Zone.
Wildfire policy and public lands: integrating scientific understanding with social concerns across landscapes
Efforts to suppress wildfires have become increasingly problematic in recent years as costs have risen, threats to firefighter safety have escalated, and detrimental impacts to ecosystems have multiplied. Wildfires that escape initial suppression often expand into large, high-intensity summer ...
Second international wildland fire ecology and fire management congress and fifth symposium on fire and forest meteorology [CD-ROM]
The CD contains the proceedings from the Second International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Managment Congress and Fifth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology.
Urban wildland interface communities within the vicinity of Federal lands that are at high risk from wildfire
This notice provides an update to the initial list of urban wildland interface communities in the vicinity of Federal lands that are at high risk from wildfire published in the Federal Register on January 4, 2001. Pursuant to Congressional direction, this updated list indicates those communities ...
The value of assessing public perceptions: wildland fire and defensible space
Fire is a challenge in the wildland-urban interface. Although resource managers encourage residents to create defensible space, many do not. This study illustrates the value of using a needs assessment to better understand perceptions of an audience in order to develop meaningful messages and ...
Reducing the risk of wildland-urban interface fires
Increasing numbers of wildland-urban interface fires dramatically illustrate the need for understanding and cooperation between the residents who are most impacted by these fires and the organizations responsible for preventing and suppressing them. Thus, this Virtual Symposium is designed to ...
Recycling municipal trees: a guide for marketing sawlogs from street tree removals in municipalities
Many municipalities and local governments are currently experiencing budgeting problems in meeting community needs. Street tree management and maintenance budgets are among those becoming strained. As a result, the quality of our street trees cannot help but suffer as economic considerations ...
Public policies for managing urban growth and protecting open space: policy instruments and lessons learned in the United States
The public sector in the United States has responded to growing concern about the social and environmental costs of sprawling development patterns by creating a wide range of policy instruments designed to manage urban growth and protect open space. These techniques have been implemented at the ...
Fannie Mae Fair Growth Conference
The subjects of smart growth and urban sprawl are the current darlings of the popular press. Most discussions of sprawl and smart growth focus on protecting open space, curbing sprawl, and improving regional transportation. But what impact does this have on minority homeownership opportunities, ...
Emotional factors in attitudes and persuasion
In this chapter we examine the role of emotional factors in attitudes and persuasion. Attitudes refer to people's global evaluations of any object such as oneself, other people, possessions, issues, abstract concepts, and so forth. Thus, a person disliking ice-cream and having a favorable ...
Ecosystems of Florida
The objective of this book is to introduce the reader to the ecology of Florida's landscape: its forests, fresh waters, marshes, and marine life. Chapter 1 introduces Florida and the book, and chapters 2, 3, and 4 deal with topics that are fundamental to all ecosystems: climate, soil, and ...
Ecoregions: the ecosystem geography of the oceans and continents
Ecoregions is intended to provide detailed descriptions, illustrations, and examples that will assist the user of the ecoregion maps in interpreting them. It amplifies the necessarily brief descriptions of the ecoregion units that appear in the legends to the maps. However, description without ...
Development patterns and fire suppression
A relationship exists between the pattern of residential development and the potential costs and losses from wildfire in the immediate area. It arises through interactions involving risk, hazard, institutional response and asset exposure. Different development patterns can be linked to impacts on ...
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