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Diversity in forest management: non-timber forest products and bush meat

Author: Chamberlain, J.L.; Cunningham, A.B.; Nasi, R.
Date: 2004
Periodical: Renewable Resources Journal
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the complexity, practical and policy challenges that need to be faced in dealing with sustainable management of forests for non-timber forest products (NTFP). Conservation biologists, resource managers and policy makers are all faced by the high diversity of species used, the lack of knowledge about the biology of many harvested species, and the varying tenure arrangements for both land and resources involved. This is compounded by the fact that NTFP trade networks are often complex with serious impacts on species populations requiring innovative assessment, monitoring, and conservation methods. NTFP harvest and use occurs across a wide spectrum of biogeographic, ecological, economic, social, and historical circumstances across continents and vegetation types. Policies and their implementation, therefore, must to be tailored to local circumstances. Simplistic, “one size fits all” policies may do more harm than good and should be avoided.

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