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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Urban and community forestry: a national perspective
Urban forestry: transplanting roadside trees and future considerations
What is an urban forest?
Visual aspects in urban woodland management
Urban forestry in China: a case study in city of Shenyang
Wind, size, and tree safety
Urban forests and parks as privacy refuges
Urban forestry in a multicultural society
Variation in field susceptibilty of native and exotic ash species to anthracnose
Trees and wind: a bibliography for tree care professionals
The function of a forest as the source of water supply for the urban ecosystem
The effect of trees on the urban climate
Appraising park trees
Urban woodlands and their recreational uses
The nonusers of an urban forest interpretive center
Understanding urban park users: A key to effective planning and management
Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America
Urban Forestry Planning and Managing Urban Greenspaces
Urban forestry professionals: Who are we?
Urban greening and social benefits: a study of empowerment outcomes
Visions of nature: conflict and compatibility in urban park restoration
Urban sustainability: avoiding the confusion
Value to wildlife of urban-agricultural parks: a case study from Rome urban area
Two-way eduation in Vordenstein Park management
Using qualitative data collection methods when planning for community forests
Urban forestry in Indonesia: a matter of learning by doing
What urban foresters need to know, the curriculum development
Urban forestry research in the United States: the state of the art and future prospects
Urban foresters: winning hearts and minds
Urban green in densely populated areas in the Netherlands
Urban canopy modeling influence on urban boundary layer simulation
Urban ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide
Urban and peri-urban forestyr in a development context: strategy and implementation
A modern city management tool is ready for urban forest data: regional and local urban ecological analysis
An ecological analysis of Tampa's urban forest
Empowering people through urban greening projects: does it happen?
Tree evaluation in the historic center of a city
Advances in managing insect pests of urban trees
Hazard tree liability in the United States: uncertain risks for owners and professionals
A comparison of the growth response and physiology of two amenity tree species subjected to water stress
The influence of trees and landscaping on rental rates at office buildings
A software for the evaluation of the wind stability of trees: CILVA
Preserving trees in construction projects: identifying incentives and barriers
Trunk insertion: A solution to urban trees chemical protection?
The influence of biostimulants on growth and vitality of three urban tree species following transplanting
Biomechanics of trees and wood for hazardous tree assessment
Assessment and comparison of most common diagnostic tools in lime wood-decay
Cortical canker resistant cypress adapted to urban landscape
Biological control of armillaria root rot
A unique technique for street tree planting in Beijing
21st century urban forestry technology - the future of our industry
A survey of urban forestry in the Republic of Ireland
Anatomy and histo-chemistry of response of living tissues in wounded trees
Effects of tree mortality on power line security
Pruning trees, the problem of forks
Conservation and management of forest patches and corridors in suburban landscapes (Conference)
Irrigation and container type impact red maple (Acer rubrum L.) 5 years after landscape planting
Compares root and canopy growth 5 years after landscape planting from seven different container designs maintained under two different irrigation schemes. [UMN]
Place, time and city trees
The relationship between urban leaf area and household energy usage in Terre Haute, Indiana, U.S
Community tree programs in Illinois, U.S.: a statewide survey and assessment
Creating a politically and ecologically sustainable urban forestry program: a case study from the City of Bellevue, Washington
Landscape planning and stress
A methodology for assessing and managing biodiversity in street tree populations: a case study
Acceptability to strategies for reduction of infrastructure damage by tree roots
At home with nature: effects of "greenness" on childrens cognitive functioning
A study of Bangalore urban forest
Biodiversity concepts and urban ecosystems
Adapting forestry to urban demands - role of communication in urban forestry in Europe
About the influence of alleyway trees on conditions of meteorological exchange in streets
A novel method for analyzing forest fragmentation in urbanizing communities
A modeling study of the impact of urban trees on ozone
A greenway classification system: defining the function and character of greenways in urban areas
Dictionary of Plant Names
Proposal For Urban Forest Health Monitoring in The United States
Pilot Inventory of FIA Plots Traditionally Called 'Nonforest'
Winter rainfall interception by two mature open-grown trees in Davis, California
Rural and Urban Hydrology
Survey to Assess the Status of the U&CF Program (US)
Assessment of the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Program
A Tree: Defining Concepts In Use
City of Coral Springs Landscape Manual
The Community and Urban Forest Inventory and Management Program
A Compilation of Urban Tree Studies
Interference Factors Responsible for Resistance of Forb-Grass Cover Types to Tree Invasion on an Electric Utility Right-of-Way
Blowing in the Wind: Storm-Resisting Features of the Design of Trees
A Guide to the New ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines (Summary)
Conservation Development: Costs and Savings
Conservation Subdivision Design
The Conservation Subdivision Design Project: Booklet For Developing A Local Bylaw
Conserving Wooded Areas in Developing Communities
Soil Compaction Impacts On Tree Roots
Soil Damage From Compaction
Causes of Soil Compaction
Tree Root Growth Requirements
Defining Soil Compaction: Sites & Trees
Soil Compaction & Trees: Causes, Symptoms & Effects
Compaction Tolerant Trees
Trees and Soil Compaction: A Selected Bibliography
Maryland's Green Infrastructure Assessment
Hurricanes, Trees & Forests: A Selected Bibliography
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