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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Riparian deforestation, stream narrowing, and loss of stream ecosystem services
Trees of Pennsylvania: A Complete Reference Guide
Forest Buffer Strips: Mapping the Water Quality Benefits
The Large Tree Argument (Booklet)
Large stately elm trees once graced many communities throughout the US. But now they are gone. Why were entire communities so disappointed when they lost their elm trees to Dutch elm disease several decades ago? People had a sense that these large trees were important to them, their family, and ... read more...
Association of Xyleborus glabratus and an Ophiostoma sp. with mortality of red bay (Persea borbonia) in Georgia and South Carolina
"Red bay (Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng) is an aromatic, evergreen tree or shrub that is common in forests in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains of the southeastern United States. Trees can attain heights as great as 21 m and diameters as great as 90 cm, although tree size and growth habitat varies ... read more...
Using the best to make it better: applying the best practices of urban and community forestry to make cities livable and sustainable
UFEI: support for growing urban forest needs
What the neighborhood wants: assessing community needs
Urban forestry education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Urban forestry meets ecological restoration: opportunities for synergism
Urban and community forestry education at Iowa State University
Urban forestry policy-making: a comparative study of selected cities in Europe
Valuation of tree aesthetics on small urban-interface properties
Effects of pruning in the management of dogwood and pine branch dieback in the landscape
Using ecosystem-based and traditional land-use planning to conserve greenspace
Various botanical and social factors and their effects on an urban woodland in Reading, Berkshire
Vegetation as a climatic component in the design of an urban street: an empirical model for predicting the cooling effect of urban green areas with trees
Conservation and management of forest patches and corridors in suburban landscapes (Journal)
Root archeology: tree roots in the San Jose urban forest
Trees are not the root of sidewalk problems
The City of Modesto's strategies to reduce infrastructure damage by tree roots
Physiology and developmental biology of root impedance
Wildlland fire in the Southwest: negotiating guidelines for defensible space
Urban forestry in Sweden from a silvicultural perspective: a review
Urban land resources and urban planting: case studies from Denmark
Urban Forestry: the final frontier?
Urban forest landscapes in the UK: progressing the social agenda
Urban vegetation and their relative ability in removing tropospheric ozone
Urban vegetation and their relative ability in intercepting particle pollution (PM 2.5)
Urban forest cover of the Chicago region and its relation to household density and income
Urban ecology as an interdisciplinary field: differences in the use of "urban" between the social and natural sciences
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Urban woodland management in Livingston (UK)
Use of soil and trunk injection of systemic insecticides to control lace bug on hawthorn
Using GIS to assess urban tree canopy benefits and surrounding greenspace distributions
Using remote sensing data and research results for urban heat island mitigation
Using ordinances to protect urban trees
Laws that shape the urban forest
Discusses urban forestry ordinances passed in Lexington, Kentucky.
Psychological benefits and costs of urban forests
Health benefits and costs of urban trees
Social benefits and costs of enhancing biodiversity in urban forests
Public perceptions of street trees
Economic benefits and costs of urban forests
Brief encounters with urban forests produce moods that matter
Performance standards for municipal tree maintenance
Environmental benefits and costs of the urban forest
Urban forest structure and the functions of hydrocarbon emissions and carbon storage
A true and full accounting of the urban forest
Land use planning on the cutting edge
The uses and management of urban woodlands
Management concepts for "natural" urban forests
Proceedings of the Fifth National Urban Forest Conference, Los Angeles, Nov., 1991
Celebrating diversity in urban forestry
Trees and urban forestry in Beijing, China
Utility and municipal competition for space in the urban environment
Evaluation of trees for the Central Plains
Competition for space in the urban infrastructure
Optimum stocking of urban trees
Quantifying species diversity of streetside trees in our cities
Arboriculture: Integrated management of landscape trees, shrubs, and vines
Microclimates and tree growth in three urban spaces
Sprawling cities and shrinking forests: Tracking the spiral
Planting landscape plants
Urban Forestry Curricula for Undergraduates: Approaching Educational Values and the Profession
The Large Tree Argument (1 Up)
Large stately elm trees once graced many communities throughout the US. But now they are gone. Why were entire communities so disappointed when they lost their elm trees to Dutch elm disease several decades ago? People had a sense that these large trees were important to them, their family, and ... read more...
Stump Removal By Accelerated Decay: Field Worksheet
Selected Literature on Mistletoe Infection In Trees
Redbay (Persea borbonia): A Tree Of Confusion
At the edge of streams, springs, and swamps hides the redbay tree. Redbay (Persea borbonia), with its evergreen aromatic leathery leaves, dark blue fruit hanging on into winter, and reddish bark is a jewel among trees. read more...
Pests of Ornamental Pears
Managing Ornamental Pear Cultivars
Identifying Live Oak Features
Field Identification Of Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum
Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) is a native tree of the deep forest and forest edges. Sun, open well drained soil, and few competitors allow sourwood to thrive.
Tree Infection Process In American Mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum)
Assessing canopy cover over streets and sidewalks in street tree populations
Cool Houston! A Plan for Cooling the Region
A modeling study of the impact of urban trees on ozone
Geometry and orientation aspects in passive cooling of canyon streets with trees
New trees cancel out air pollution cuts
Where Are All The Cool Parking Lots?
Assessing carbon sequestration of urban tree species in response to elevated atmospheric CO2: An overview of the past and present research
I've Got You Covered: The Amount of Pavement Covered by Street Trees
Effects of Tree Cover on Parking Lot Microclimate and Vehicle Emissions
Municipal tree management
Detecting and correcting chemical injury on trees
Age, timing, species and site make transplanting a science
Creating a city forestry program
How to save Dutch elm diseased trees by pruning
How to recycle shade tree materials
Tree City USA: Foundation for better tree management
How to conduct a street tree inventory
Caring for urban fauna
Choosing trees and shrubs for Montana landscapes
Greening Canada: A guide to community tree planting
Urban wood markets in the northwest
Street Trees: a field handbook
Technical potential for shade tree planting in Sacramento County. Final report
Methodologies, results, and applications of natural resource assessments in New York City
Pennsylvania urban and community forestry: annual budgets for community tree programs
Pennsylvania urban and community forestry: annual work plans for tree commissions
Trenching and tunneling near trees: a field pocket guide for qualified utility workers
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