The Large Tree Argument (1 Up)
Technology Transfer Publication
Large stately elm trees once graced many communities throughout the US. But now they are gone. Why were entire communities so disappointed when they lost their elm trees to Dutch elm disease several decades ago? People had a sense that these large trees were important to them, their family, and their community. And this was long before we quantified the benefits of trees. Now we have scientific evidence for what these people knew decades ago.
The last 2 pages can be printed (front to back) as a 1 sheet 'Fact Sheet' for a summary handout.
Formatted for printing with 1 page per sheet on 8.5" x 11" paper.
Center for Urban Forest Research (Davis, CA), Southern Center for Urban Forestry Research & Information (Athens, GA)
September 2006
USDA Forest Service
Davis, CA
Pacific Southwest Research Station
Economics/Cost-Benefit Analysis
Large-stature, Small-stature