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This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Assessing Various Community Tree and Forest Values With Inventories
Flood Damage to Trees
Assessing Extent And Severity Of Mechanical Injuries In Trees
Tree Risk Management and Hazard Assessment: A General Review
Urban Forest Inventory: Selected Bibliography
Assessing Construction Damage: Tree Damage Exposure Values And Recovery Times
Tree Risk Assessment: Systematic Evaluation Process (Field Assessment Form)
Sorting Out Live Oaks: Varieties, Hybrids, Cultivars & Forms
Pest Checklist For Live Oak
Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities
Trees & Turf: Compromising Performance and Values
Accelerating Stump Decay Processes
Stump Removal Methods
Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.): Cultivar Characteristics
Tree Guidelines for Coastal Southern California Communities
The Community Tree Ordinance
Tree Triage: Damage Assessment Data Attributes
Inclusion of Urban Landscape in a Climate Model: How Can Satellite Data Help?
A Planner's Tool Kit
The BRCC Introduction to Urban Forestry South
Sidewalk/curb-breaking tree roots. 2. Management to minimise existing pavement problems by tree roots
Sidewalk/curb-breaking tree roots. 1. Why tree roots cause pavement problems
Integrated pest management of the southern pine beetle in the urban setting
Tree wounds and their treatment
Urban soils of the mall in Washington, DC
Container tree plantings in the city
Coping with clay: Trees to suit sites, sites to suit trees
Ohio's shade tree evaluation project--in search of a well adapted tree
Silvicultural information to help select and manage native trees in urban or suburban developments
Tree selection for arboriculture and urban forestry
Eucommia ulmoides: A tree for urban areas
Effects of tree shade on home cooling requirements
The influence of trees on urban climate
Effects of vegetation on human response to sound
Urban wildlife opportunities
Recreational use of urban forests in Rovaniemi
Predicting scenic values in forested residential landscapes
Needs and fears: The response to trees and nature in the inner city
Predicting scenic quality for urban forests using vegetation measurements
URFOR/SIMULATION: An urban forest management computer simulation/game
Why urban forestry?
The arborist
Urban forestry in America: The cause
Simulating tree shadow patterns for building energy analysis
Evaluating street tree microclimates in New York City
Proceedings of a seminar, Columbus, Ohio, Nov., 1985
Evaluating street trees for drought tolerance
Amenities provided by urban plants
The importance of urban roadside planting in the United Kingdom
The economic value of urban plants
Diebacks and declines of urban trees
Human response to plants and landscapes
Important tree and shrub insects
Abiotic stresses of urban trees
Improving the quality of urban life with plants: Proceedings of the June 21-23, 1983 International Symposium on Urban Horticulture
Human dimensions of horticulture
Developing improved landscape trees for the United States: Progress since 1975
Important infectious diseases of trees and shrubs in urban settings: Hindsightful notes for tree managers
Trees and shrubs for urban planting in Western Europe
Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Study Urban Quality of Life and Urban Forest Amenities
Urban Forestry Manual (q) - Urban Forestry and Public Policy
This unit is an introduction to understanding public policy and how it relates to urban forestry. read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (n) - Urban Wildlife
As areas in this region become increasingly urbanized, land that wildlife once had to itself must now be shared with people. So, it is important to understand the relationship between the urban environment and wildlife so that you can offer recommendations to homeowners, planners, developers, and ... read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (l) - Trees and Construction
Land development and construction are having a major impact on the urban forest. Key to minimizing this impact is to work with developers, local government, and citizens to plan for tree protection, maintenance, and replacement during these activities. read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (j) - Tree Maintenance
Proper care is essential for maintaining and improving the health of existing trees and planning for future growth in our urban forests. Unfortunately, when we plant trees we often think the job is finished, when it has really just started. When trees are planted, it is important to consider ... read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (i) - Tree Planting
This unit provides guidelines for planting a tree and caring for it afterwards. read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (h) - Site and Tree Selection
Guidelines for selecting the right planting site and tree are the focus of this unit. First, the reasons for planting a tree are discussed. Second, important factors to consider when selecting a planting site and some common types of urban planting sites are covered. Third, information is provided ... read more...
Urban Forestry Manual (g) - Urban Soils
Soil conditions greatly influence the growth and vigor of trees. Soil provides trees with water, oxygen, nutrients, and support for the root system. Roots need a healthy soil environment to grow in, and strong root development directly influences the growth of the above-ground parts of the tree. read more...
Landscape Patterns of Exurban Growth in the USA from 1980 to 2020
Measuring rural homeowners’ willingness to pay for land conservation easements
Storm Damaged Trees: Prevention and Treatment
Long-Term Community Recovery and Mitigation
National Response Plan
A Method to Estimate City Street Tree Population Using Gis to Determine Optimum Sample Size
Federal U&CF Program Authority
Analysis of urban forest landscape pattern in Hefei
Lunar Rhythms In Forestry Traditions – Lunar-Correlated Phenomena In Tree Biology And Wood Properties
Mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum) Infection In Trees
Treating Mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum) In Trees
Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry: Guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters
Hardiness Zones in China
Elastic Limit: Strength Properties of Living Trees
The Users Guide to Adding Content at UFS
Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment
Phosphites: Improving Tree Health & Defenses Against Ramorum Blight
White Paper: Urban Forest Inventory and Health Monitoring (UFHM)
Conservation Finance Handbook
Trees and Roadside Safety in U.S. Urban Settings
Landscape Aesthetics (AH 701-a) - Introduction
Above and Beyond: Visualizing change in small towns and rural areas
IPM for Gardeners: A Guide to Integrated Pest Management
Report on Public Health and Urban Sprawl in Ontario: A review of the pertinent literature
The Scenery Management System: The Evolution of Landscape Aesthetic Management in the U.S. Forest Service
Arboriculture Integrated Management Of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, And Vines
The state of Canada's municipal forests - 1996 to 1998
Improving visual detection of growth rings of diffuse-porous hardwoods using fluorescence
Urban Greening and Social Benefits: a Study of Empowerment Outcomes
A Practical Approach to Assessing Structure, Function, and Value of Street Tree Populations in Small Communities
Creating Collections at Urban Forestry South
Urban forestry in southeastern New York State, USA
Pietermaritzburg: The garden city of Natal
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