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Forest health in the wildland-urban interface: Insects and diseases
This discussion of forest health will center largely on the context of land use; that is, a continuum of varying and often highly altered forests on land somewhere between the natural forest and the inner city. These forests in the wildland-urban interface are perceived, influenced, and used by ...
A nation's natural resource legacy
What follows is the USDA Forest Service’s vision for managing the 191 million acres of national forests and grasslands entrusted to our care by the American people. Maintaining and restoring the health, diversity, and productivity of the land is an awesome responsibility—one that we implement by ...
A computer-simulated evaluation of three silvicultural practices for reducing hazardous fuel conditions and extreme fire behavior in pine flatwood forests
Because of excellent growing conditions, pine flatwood forests in the coastal plain region of the southeastern United States can develop tremendous amounts of highly flammable undergrowth (rough) in only a few years, necessitating intervention to reduce hazardous fuels and prevent catastrophic ...
A climate of innovation: Northeast business action to reduce greenhouse gases
In 2003 the World Resources Institute convened a group of large corporations based in the northeast United States to explore the various facets of private sector action on climate change. The diverse group included companies from various sectors and of differing size and geographic reach. This ...
2005 Funding opportunities: A directory of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental protection assistance programs
This publication provides information on financial and technical assistance opportunities available from EPA, other federal agencies, state governments, and private foundations for programs and projects that reduce energy costs, improve air quality and public health, and enhance economic ...
2004 Funding opportunities: A directory of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental protection assistance programs
This publication provides information on financial and technical assistance opportunities available from EPA, other federal agencies, state governments, and private foundations for programs and projects that reduce energy costs, improve air quality and public health, and enhance economic ...
Identification and prioritization of ecological interface zones on state highways in Florida
The Florida Department of Transportation has recently started a program to integrate road projects with statewide conservation objectives by installation of underpasses or culverts on a statewide level designed to restore landscape connectivity and processes. The economics of an effort of such ...
Humans as global plant dispersers: Getting more than we bargained for
In this article we explore some of the apparent motivations that lead to the introduction of vascular plants, both transoceanically and throughout a potential new range. We also explore the biological basis for factors that foster the spread of some introduced species in a new range. We also make ...
How land use and transportation systems impact public health: A literature review of the relationship between physical activity and built form

This review discusses how urban form affects public health, specifically through the ways in which the built environment encourages or discourages physical activity levels. The questions raised illuminate fundamental quality of life considerations including residential preferences, time use, ...
The challenges of managing public lands in the wildland-urban interface
This chapter describes the types of public lands in the interface, the objectives for managing these lands, the challenges faced by mangers of interface lands, and the approaches and critical tools for management of interface public lands. Provided are three examples of managing public lands in ...
The challenge of maintaining working forests at the wildland-urban interface
Introduction: If you do an Internet search on 'wildland-urban interface' you get more than 2900 web page matches. Almost all of these, including the first 20, have to do with fire risk suppression where wildlands and cities come together. This seems to illustrate what Amatai Ezione called “the ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 2004
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 2004. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 2003
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 2003. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 2002
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 2002. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 2001
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 2001. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 2000
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 2000. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
Survey of damage caused by forest insects in the Southeast, CY 1999
This report contains figures and statistics on losses caused by forest insects during calendar year 1999. The data in this report were submitted by a number of southern states, the USDA Forest Service Region 8, and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. The supplied information is ...
State of the South 2004
The report discusses four crucial trends facing the South:
1. The region's continued prosperity requires more people with higher skills and education beyond high school. Structural changes in our economy mandate it. The region now has more white-collar workers than blue-collar, with the trend ...
Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitions
Much confusion exists in the English-language literature on plant invasions concerning the terms �naturalized� and �invasive� and their associated concepts. Several authors have used these terms in proposing schemes for conceptualizing the sequence of events from introduction to invasion, but often ...
Motivations and behaviors of new forest owners in Virginia
Forestry must find ways to remain relevant to its changing constituency and client base. Market segmentation techniques can help. This study assessed the motivations and forest practices of 661 people who recently purchased forested lands ranging in size between 0.8 and 20 ha in rapidly growing ...
More RIB-IT views: Thirty-seven model technology assessments and partnership opportunities from RIB-IT 2
On two levels, More RIB-IT Views offers valuable information:

For the SBIR contractor, or technology owner, we recommend the article on page 3, “How to Get the Most from Your SBIR Technology: Working with the Government and Commercial Market.” There you’ll find helpful checklists of ...
Measuring the health effects of sprawl: A national analysis of physical activity, obesity, and chronic disease
This report presents the first national study to show a clear association between the type of place people live and their activity levels, weight, and health. The study found that people living in counties marked by sprawling development are likely to walk less and weigh more than people who live ...
Managing private nonindustrial forestlands at the interface
This chapter reviews the demographics and characteristics of the NIPF owner in general and discusses how these may be different for the subset of NIPF owners in the interface. It also summarizes some of the barriers associated with forest management on these lands and focus on solutions and ...
Managing industrial forestlands at the interface
The purpose of this chapter is to explore forestland uses at the interface from the perspective of an industrial landowner. This task has some inherent risk in that industrial landowners are not alike, nor do they all share a common motive for owning land. With that acknowledgment, this chapter ...
Managing hydrological impacts of urbanization
This chapter describes the forest water cycle and outlines the impacts of urbanization on hydrology, water quality, and aquatic and wetland ecosystems. Then examples are given of promising and innovative approaches to prevent and mitigate these changes. Restoration of hydrological functions in ...
Managing for fire in the interface: Challenges and opportunities
This chapter has two objectives: to provide the reader with an overview of the fire-related challenges facing those who live in the wildland-urban interface and the importance of cooperation between these residents and the agencies/organizations charged with managing fire where people and wildlands ...
Landscape assessment
This chapter presents an overview of the geospatial technologies currently utilized for landscape assessments and a number of case studies representing landscape assessments performed at various scales from the state to national levels. The technologies include GIS, remote sensing, and global ...
Values, priorities and performance in the management of Virginia's fish and wildlife resources: A comparative study between internal and external constituents of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
House Bill 38 will allocate up to $13 million per year in state sales tax revenue to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) beginning in Fiscal Year 2001. To plan for this major budget enhancement, the VDGIF asked us (in cooperation with Responsive Management and Dr. Brett ...
An assessment of the southern wildland-urban interface
Severe wildfires in Florida in 1998 demonstrated the complexities that the wildland-urban interface presents for a diverse group of people who live and work there. These fires cost millions of dollars in suppression costs, reduced tourism, and damaged timber, businesses, and home. Entire ...
Tools to reach, educate, and involve citizens
This chapter will explore some techniques and strategies for engaging citizens in the interface in natural resource management issues and describe several examples of successful projects.
The wildland-urban interface in the United States
The wildland�urban interface (WUI) is the area where houses meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland vegetation. The WUI is thus a focal area for human�environment conflicts, such as the destruction of homes by wildfires, habitat fragmentation, introduction of exotic species, and biodiversity ...
The population biology of invasive species
Contributions from the field of population biology hold promise for understanding and managing invasiveness; invasive species also offer excellent opportunities to study basic processes in population biology. Life history studies and demographic models may be valuable for examining the introduction ...
Environmental racism in New York State
The question is how big of a problem is environmental racism in New York? What is the genuine disparity between polluting facilities sited in white communities and those in communities of color? �Environmental Racism in New York State� presents maps and analyzes polluting facility data provided by ...
Enhancing urban watershed management at the local, county, and state levels
The purpose of this seminar publication is to make available to a much wider audience the valuable information presented at the National Conference on Urban Runoff management. This publication comprises 53 papers that were presented at the conference. The papers address a broad spectrum of ...
Assessing the benefits of wildfire risk reduction: A contingent valuation approach
The value of reductions in the risk of wildfire-induced structure loss was assessed for residents of a Michigan jack pine forest via the contingent valuation method. Using a joint probability model of fire risk, values for risk reduction accomplished by public and private actions were estimated ...
Integrating socil science and ecosystem management: A national challenge
These proceedings contain the contributed papers and panel presentations, as well as a paper presented at the National Workshop, of the Conference on Integrating Social Sciences and Ecosystem Management, which was held at Unicoi Lodge and Conference Center, Helen, GA, December 12-14, 1995. The ...
Guidebook for implementation of Senate Bill 610 and Senate Bill 221 of 2001 to assist water suppliers, cities, and counties in integrating water and land use planning
Senate Bills 610 (Chapter 643, Statutes of 2001) and Senate Bill 221 (Chapter 642, Statutes of 2001) amended state law, effective January 1, 2002, to improve the link between information on water supply availability and certain land use decisions made by cities and counties. SB 610 and SB 221 are ...
Good stuff? A behind-the-scenes guide to the things we buy
Have you ever wondered where chocolate comes from, if antibacterial soap is good for your family, or how to recycle an old computer? If you've had these or other questions about the environmental and social impacts of the products you buy and use, Good Stuff is for you. It contains many of the ...
Forests, wildlife, and habitat management: A critical examination of practice and need
The history of the relationship between man and wildlife in the United States includes several stages, starting with the American Indian tribes, running through the conquest of the land by white man, and ending with man�s attempt to protect, husband, and finally manage wildlife ...
Forest worker exposure to airborne herbicide residues in smoke from prescribed fires in the Southern United States
Some concerns have been expressed by forest workers conducting prescribed burns on forest lands treated with herbicides. The major concern has been based on speculation that hazardous levels of airborne herbicide residues may be present in the smoke near breathing zones of forest workers. Much of ...
Flagstaff interface treatment prescription: Results in the wildland/urban interface
Over the past five years, fire managers in the Flagstaff Wildland/Urban Interface have developed a system of socially welcomed fuel reduction treatments that have proven effective in reducing wildfire hazard, improving probability for successful initial attack, maintaining and enhancing vegetative ...
Coping with ADD: The surprising connection to green play settings
Attention Restoration Theory suggests that contact with nature supports attentional functioning, and a number of studies have found contact with everyday nature to be related to attention in adults. Is contact with everyday nature also related to the attentional functioning of children? This ...
Colorado heritage report: Best practices in natural hazards planning and mitigation
One of the biggest challenges facing local elected officials and staff in Colorado is how to reconcile new growth and development in areas that are subject to a variety of natural hazard threats. During this last year, severe drought and wildfires in our state garnered national headlines. ...
Chemical trespass: Pesticides in our bodies and corporate accountability
For decades, pesticide manufacturers have argued that applying pesticides in our homes and introducing them into our environment is necessary and safe. When used correctly, they argue, pesticides harm pests, not people. But the claim that pesticides are necessary is rapidly eroding in light of the ...
A comparison of the watershed hydrology of coastal forested wetlands and the mountains uplands in the Southern U.S.
Hydrology plays a critical role in wetland development and ecosystem structure and functions. Hydrologic responses to forest management and climate change are diverse in the Southern United States due to topographic and climatic differences. This paper presents a comparison study on long-term ...
Health impacts of air pollution on morbidity and mortality among children of Cuidad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
In this study, we observed significant associations between ozone ambient levels and respiratory-related emergency visits by children. These associations were present for upper respiratory infections and asthma in all age groups. However, in children aged five years or less, ozone exposure was also ...
Symposium: Land ownership and the level of regulation--the particulars of owning
Property rights provide a special case, for the Constitution expressly recognizes and protects private property. If, as Jeremy Bentham concluded, private ownership rises and falls with the law, then a change in the law could not logically take a person’ property right. How, then, does the ...
Sustainable urbanisation: Achieving agenda 21
Today, half the world’s population lives in towns and cities. Of the additional people expected between 2000 and 2015, nearly one billion will be added in urban areas compared to only about 125 million in rural. Virtually all of this growth will take place in developing countries. For sustainable ...
Sprawl costs us all: How your taxes fuel suburban sprawl
This report identifies the most common subsidies that create sprawl and provides examples from across the United States. For each type of subsidy we provide analysis and solutions. Where appropriate, our report also provides figures for the cost of these subsidies and calculates the cost of sprawl.
Managing wildfire risk in the residential interface: Results from a regional workshop
On May 15 and 16, 2001, the Western Rural Development Center convened a workshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, addressing community-level programs to deal with wildfire risks in the western United States. The objective was to create a practitioner-to-practitioner information sharing opportunity. By ...
Landscaping for wildlife with native plants
North Carolina’s native plants provide well-adapted food and cover for North Carolina’s native animals, and a well-planned landscape of native plants can help you attract a diversity of wildlife to your property. Native North Carolina plants also are well-suited to the state’s soils and climate and ...
Virginia firescapes: Firewise landscaping for woodland homes
In Virginia, one of every three forest fires now threatens at least one woodland home. Forest fires damaged 98 structures in 1995 and 40 in 1996. When the forest becomes a community, forest fires and homes are inseparable. A home in a woodland setting is surrounded by flammable vegetation. ...
Smart growth: The future of America's metropolis?
In the past few years, widespread frustration with sprawling development patterns has precipitated an explosion in innovative thinking and action across the United States. This new thinking – generally labeled as “smart growth” – contends that the shape and quality of metropolitan growth in America ...
Recommendations for achieving sustainable communities: Science and solutions
This report contains the recommendations of more than 550 scientists and decision makers who participated in the second National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment on December 6 and 7, 2001. The conference was sponsored by the National Council for Science and the Environment and was ...
Preparing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This Handbook is intended to provide communities with a concise, step-by-step guide to use in developing a CWPP. It addresses, in a straightforward manner, issues such as who to involve in developing a plan, how to convene other interested parties, what elements to consider in assessing community ...
England forestry strategy: A new focus for England's woodlands--strategic priorities and programmes
The England Forestry Strategy describes how the Government will deliver its forestry policies in England and sets out the Government’s priorities and programs for forestry for the next five to ten years. The Strategy will help focus discussion on how Government can work together with partners in ...
Butterflies in your backyard
Butterfly watching, though unlikely to match the widespread popularity of bird watching, has gained significant favor in recent years. Butterflies are colorful, diverse, abundant, and active during the day in warm months, making them an ideal pursuit for wildlife watchers. In fact, wildlife ...
Indicators for environmentally sustainable household consumption
The objective of this paper is to identify those areas of consumption in which private households can make significant contributions to environmental sustainability, and to present a transparent and comprehensive set of indicators for consumption clusters that allow different life spheres of ...
Guidelines for developing and managing ecological restoration projects
The following guidelines are suggested for conceiving, organizing, conducting, and assessing ecological restoration projects. Adherence to these guidelines will reduce errors of omission and commission that compromise project quality. The guidelines are applicable to any ecosystem, terrestrial or ...
Global patterns in human consumption of net primary production
The human population and its consumption profoundly affect the Earth's ecosystems. A particularly compelling measure of humanity's cumulative impact is the fraction of the planet's net primary production that we appropriate for our own use. Net primary production-the net amount of solar energy ...
Fire and the Changing Land [Brochure]
Fires were a part of the landscape long before European settlers appeared in North America. Some were started by Indians accidentally and others were set deliberately to improve hunting or to provide lush feed for livestock. This brochure discusses kinds of fire, benefits, and challenges for fire ...
Congress on human population growth: Impacts on the sustainability of renewable natural resources [Special Report]
Population growth, coupled with increasing consumption, is placing unprecedented demands on the nation's environment and natural resources. In recognition of this problem, the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation (RNRF) convened a national meeting of resource professionals and educators to ...
Community wildfire preparedness education: How to work with communities in the wildland-urban interface--Draft
The user of this guide will be able to plan and implement a strategy to encourage people who live in wildland-urban interface settlements to create neighborhood-scale fire-adapted landscapes and FIREWISE communities. It describes how new ideas are communicated among the members of social systems ...
Acid Water Anuran Pond Communities Along a Regional Forest to Agro-Urban Ecotone
We conducted nighttime vocalization surveys and dip-net surveys to relate the distributions of adult and larval anurans (frogs and toads) to site-specific and regional environmental variables in 14 New Jersey Pinelands (Pine Barrens) ponds. The ponds were located within drainage basins that ...
A collaborative approach for reducing wildland fire risks to communities and the environment: A 10-year comprehensive strategy
This strategy reflects the views of a broad cross-section of governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders. It outlines a comprehensive approach to the management of wildland fire, hazardous fuels, and ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation on Federal and adjacent State tribal and private forest ...
Stephan bridge road fire case study
The Stephan Bridge Road Fire represents an increasingly common example of the risks of building homes in areas of scenic but combustible vegetation. Northern Lower Michigan is an area with a long history of wildfires, yet people continue to build new structures dangerously close to this vegetation ...
Living with fire
Learn the natural role fire has played on Earth throughout time and how you can help restore that natural role. Learn to ensure your personal safety and that of your family and forests. Through this publication, you�ll see the various faces of fire and the part you play in ecosystems of the ...
Trees for the urban millenium: Urban forestry update
Urban dwellers are increasingly recognizing and articulating the importance of urban forests as a vital component of the urban landscape, infrastructure and quality of life. Municipalities together with diverse stakeholders around the world have launched often quite ambitious urban forestry ...
Second national report on human exposure to environmental chemicals--summary
The overall purpose of the Report is to provide unique exposure information to physicians, scientists, and health officials to help prevent disease that results from exposure to environmental chemicals.
The SER primer on ecological restoration
Ecological restoration is an intentional activity that initiates or accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem with respect to its health, integrity and sustainability. Frequently, the ecosystem that requires restoration has been degraded, damaged, transformed or entirely destroyed as the direct or ...
Preserving Virginia's heritage: Approaches for protecting open space
"Open space": the term conjures different images in the mind depending on to whom one is speaking. To some, it means scenic vistas or natural areas that should be protected for future generations. To others, it represents opportunities to bring economic growth that create jobs and new neighborhoods ...
Echinacea is a common name for three species of large, daisylike plants of the Aster family (Compositae). The plant was listed in the National Formulary because the roots and rhizomes are used most often in medicinal preparations. This fact sheet covers echinacea's medicinal properties, natural ...
Assessing socioeconomic impacts of climate change on US forests, wood-product markets, and forest recreation
Discusses the problems of projecting social and economic changes affecting forests and reviews recent efforts to assess the wood-market impacts of possible climate changes. Focus on the forest benefits of timber production and outdoor recreation; Impact of climate change on recreation; Suggestions ...
Analysis of the utility of wildfire home protection strategies
A qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of wildfire home protection strategies utilized by homeowners in the wildland-urban interface is presented. Several factors were statistically significant in protecting homes from structural damage: metal soffit vents, block homes, the amount of tree and ...
Not business as usual: Using collaborative partnerships to address environmental justice issues
As chair of the federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice, I initiated these community-based, multi-agency, and multi-stakeholder collaborative projects to develop a systematic methodology for addressing the environmental, health, economic, and social concerns of communities and ...
Growth management environment toolbox
'Growth Management' implies that growth should be managed to promote an orderly use of land and resources, and sound development practices that conform to the natural carrying capacity of an area. One principle of growth management is sustainability, which encourages growing cities to consider ...
Global change in forests: Responses of species, communities, and biomes
Focuses on forest biodiversity as a key component of global change. Synthesis of knowledge of interactions among climate, land use, and biodiversity; Summary of the results on the potential effects of human-induced climate change on forest biodiversity; Discussion of limitations, research needs, ...
Global challenge, global opportunity: Trends in sustainable development
The purpose of this publication is to present, for a general audience, basic information on some current conditions, recent trends and future projections in these areas of sustainable development. It does not attempt to be comprehensive, either thematically or geographically, but offers a sample ...
Forest processes and global environmental change: Predicting the effects of individual and multiple stressors
Presents a review of the state of prediction of forest ecosystem response to envisioned changes in the physical and chemical climate. Review of the literature on the effects of environmental factors on forest ecosystem function; Summary of results from the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis ...
Forest fuel ignitibility
What is flammability? The author suggests that it consists of ignitibility, sustainability, and combustibility. He defines ignitibility in terms of fuel properties and heat source intensity. Similar methods for determining sustainability and combustibility have not yet been formulated.
Florida guide to environmental landscaping
This environmental landscaping guide is a package of research-based information which can help you design and maintain your outdoor home (Table 1). It supports and builds on the principles of xeriscaping. If it is designed and maintained with energy and the environment in mind, your landscape can ...
Community fireguard: Creating partnerships with the community to minimize the impact of bushfire
By promoting the development of wildfire survival strategies by communities at greatest risk, Community Fireguard promises to significantly reduce the vulnerability of the residents. Enabling residents to accept responsibility for their own safety, means that CFA is not only reducing wildfire ...
Sweet gum
Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) is a deciduous shade tree that can be found from Connecticut to Florida, and in the mountains of Central America. It has a variety of commercial uses such as furniture, veneer, lumber, and pallets. It is a useful species for landscaping, reforestation, land ...
State growth management summaries
Eight states with comprehensive growth management legislation were reviewed and summarized. The states reviewed are Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.
Managing the impact of wildfires on communities and the environment
On August 8, 2000, President Clinton asked Secretaries Babbitt and Glickman to prepare a report that recommends how best to respond to this year�s severe fires, reduce the impacts of these wildland fires on rural communities, and ensure sufficient firefighting resources in the future.

The ...
Wildfire in Florida: Issues of law and forestry practices
This report addresses the relationship between wildfire and forest management in northern Florida, especially its effect on rural communities. Utilizing a case study from Waldo, the site of a devastating 7,000 acre wildfire in 1998, we review forest management, legal, land use planning, and ...
Use of BEHAVE on shrublands at the urban interface
Although chaparral is usually acknowledged as a vegetation type that has high flammability, controversy exists whether the shrublands in the Berkeley/Oakland Hills constitute a fire hazard to the nearby residences. The Intermountain Fire Sciences Laboratory (previously the Northern Forest Fire ...
US national climate change assessment on forest ecosystems: An introduction
Presents an assessment of climate change on forest ecosystems in the United States by the Global Change Research Program. Impacts of climate change on forest processes, biodiversity change, disturbance interactions and socioeconomic change; Potential coping strategies that could be used to reduce ...
An integrated framework to restore small urban watersheds
This is the first of a series of 11 manuals on techniques to restore small urban watersheds. This manual introduces the basic concepts and techniques of urban watershed restoration, and sets forth the overall framework we use to evaluate subwatershed restoration potential. The manual emphasizes ...
Unified subwatershed and site reconnaissance; A user's manual
The last manual of the Urban Subwatershed Restoration Series examines pollution sources and restoration potential within upland areas of urban subwatersheds. The manual provides detailed guidance on how to perform each of its four components--the Neighborhood Source Assessment (NSA), Hotspot ...
Unified stream assessment: A user's manual
The Unified Stream Assessment (USA) is a rapid technique to locate and evaluate problems and restoration opportunities within the urban stream corridor. The tenth manual is a user's guide that describes how to perform USA, and interpret the data collected to determine the stream corridor ...
Tools available for measuring habitat fragmentation
Activities that transform the landscape, such as rapid conversion of agricultural to residential land use in Colorado, are resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation. The goal of this paper is to offer some insights into tools that can be used to measure habitat fragmentation, and more generally, ...
Solving sprawl: The Sierra Club rates the states
This report is designed to recognize and rank the programs adopted by state governments to manage growth, and to showcase and promote effective smart-growth solutions. We rate each of the 50 states by measuring progress in four categories: open space protection, land use planning, transportation ...
Shiitake mushroom
The shiitake mushroom (pronounced she-ta-key) is one of several marketed specialty mushrooms, long-valued for their culinary and medicinal properties. The shiitake mushroom is the third most widely produced mushroom in the world and American production of shiitake has increased faster than any ...
The fires next time
Because of the severity of the fires in the summer of 2000 and because of the growing debate over what to do about expected future fires, the Andrus Center convened The Fires Next Time conference on December 7, 2000. The conference had several goals in mind. First, it sought to establish a set of ...
Environmental issues related to urban sprawl: The proliferation of local ordinances regulating forestry activities and the growing use of conservation easements
Environmental issues related to urban sprawl in forested areas include clean air, clean water, aesthetics and open space, public safety and protection of public property, and restriction on timber harvesting and silvicultural practices. Population pressures for development cause fragmentation of ...
Environmental education and attitudes: Emotions and beliefs are what is needed
The main focus of environmental education programs has been to change environmental behavior through increasing environmental knowledge. As many environmental studies have failed to apply successfully attitude theory in researching environmental attitudes, the present study investigated the ...
Endangered by sprawl: How runaway development threatens America's wildlife
Over the next half century, up to one third of the world's plant and animal species may be lost forever. Conservation biologists regard this as the first mass extinction since the age of the dinosaurs. In the United States alone, thirty percent of the nation's plant and animal species are at risk ...
Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry: Guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters
Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry--Guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters has been developed by the Pacific Southwest Research Station's Western Center for Urban Forest Research and Education as a tool for utilities, urban foresters and arborists, municipalities, ...
Is a new urban development model building greener communities?
Neo-traditional neighborhoods are hypothesized to promote a strong sense of community and environmentalism among residents, but this claim has not been well researched. In October 2002, we conducted a mail survey of 1,611 middle-class homeowners in Gainesville, Florida, to determine if there were ...
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