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England forestry strategy: A new focus for England's woodlands--strategic priorities and programmes

Author: The Forestry Commission
Date: 1998
Periodical: Cambridge, UK: Parker Barry Creative. 35 p.
Abstract: The England Forestry Strategy describes how the Government will deliver its forestry policies in England and sets out the Government’s priorities and programs for forestry for the next five to ten years. The Strategy will help focus discussion on how Government can work together with partners in other organizations to ensure that England’s woods continue to provide a rich source of benefits for England’s people. It proposes a series of actions to help achieve our priorities and implement our key programs. The Strategy is not prescriptive; it sets out the framework for the Government’s continued support for forestry in England and will guide the targeting of our resources in the future. The Strategy cannot be delivered by Government working on its own. Many others will have a role to play and we are establishing an English Forestry Forum to advise us on the implementation of our key programs.

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