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This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Heterogeneity and differentiation of the tree flora in three major land uses in Guangzhou city, China
Protecting trees and shrubs against winter damage
The Impact of surrounding land use and vegetation on single-family house prices
Increasing woodland in urban areas in the UK: meeting ecological and environmental standards
Public sector funding for community forestry in England
Towards assessing the full value of urban forests
Emotional, physical/functional and symbolic aspects of an urban forest in Denmark to nearby residents
Wooded area does not constitute "necessary support land" for tax assessment purposes
Investigating concepts for describing urban forest management actions
The urbanisation of wildlife management
Two approaches for the study of a peri-urban landscape: graphic modelling and realistic computer visualisation
Urban forestry: history and introduction
Tree and shrub fertilization
Crown Pruning Effects on Roots
Community Tree Risk Management: Program Planning and Design
Benefits of Urban Trees (Booklet)
Urban and Community Forestry: Improving Our Quality Of Life read more...
Valuing recreational benefits of urban forestry- A case study of Chandigarh (India) city
Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails
Trees in the Small City Retail Business District: Comparing Resident and Visitor Perceptions
Detection of decay in trees
The effects of trampling on assemblages of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in urban forests in Helsinki, Finland
Study of a Mexico City urban forest sample using ecological indexes
Selection and propagation of deep-rooted ornamental trees for urban environments
Strategies to reduce infrastructure damage by tree roots: proceedings of a symposium...Davis, CA, Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 2000
The microclimates of a suburban Colorado (USA) landscape and implications for planning and design
Landscape changes of Rome through tree-lined roads
The potential role of natural colonisation as a design tool for urban forestry: a pilot study
Occurrence of tree roots in Danish municipal sewer systems
Changing patterns in the urbanized countryside of Western Europe
Tree Lilac Cultivars Tested As Street Trees: Initial Results
The Use of Volunteer Initiatives in Conducting Urban Forest Resources Inventories
GIS Assessment of Munich's Urban Forest Structure for Urban Planning
A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA
Flood-Tolerance Ranking of Red and Freeman Maple Cultivars
Probability of Damage to Sidewalks and Curbs by Street Trees in the Tropics
Tracking restoration in natural and urban field settings
Population Growth, Urban Expansion, and Private Forestry in Western Oregon
Decay and canker caused by Inonotus rickii spreading on more urban tree species
Does land use affect our streams?
Capture of Particulate Pollution by Trees: A Comparison of Species Typical of Semi-Arid Areas (Ficus nitida and Eucalyptus globulus) with European and North American Species
Timber Harvests and Forest Neighbors: The Urban Fringe Research Project at Oregon State University
Environmental Management Accounting - Purpose and Progress
Will Subterranean Termites Consume Landscape Mulches?
Where Are All The Cool Parking Lots? (Color Factsheet)
On a hot summer day, would you rather sit down in a nice shady spot or broil unprotected in the blazing sun? Your car feels the same way. And you know how uncomfortable it is to climb back into the driver’s seat after it’s been baking in the heat. But… read more...
Where Are All The Cool Parking Lots?
"The 1970s energy crisis spurred implementation of parking lot shading ordinances in cities such as Sacramento, Davis, and Los Angeles, California. These ordinances required that 50% of the total paved area be shaded within 15 years of the issuance of development permits. read more...
Variations of the Treescape in Relation to Urban Development in a Chinese City: The Case of Nanjing
Variation Among Green Ash of Differing Geographic Origins Outplanted in Kansas
Valuation of Tree Aesthetics on Small Urban-Interface Properties
Using GIS to Assess Urban Tree Canopy Benefits and Surrounding Greenspace Distributions
Using Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer as an Organic Mulch Fire Retardant (A Research Note)
Urban vs. Natural Sugar Maple Growth: II. Water Relations
Urban Forests of Wisconsin: Pilot Monitoring Project 2002 (summary)
4-page summary of larger report of same name
Ultraviolet leaf reflectance of common urban trees and the prediction of reflectance from leaf surface characteristics
Treeshelter Effect on Root Development of Redwood Trees
Tree Shelters Accelerate Slow-growing Species in Nurseries
Transplanting success of balled-and-burlapped versus bare-root trees in the uban landscape
Tools and Techniques of Forest Finance
The re-emergence of indigenous forest in an urban environment, Christchurch, New Zealand
The Mexico Forest Fund
The Influence of Calcium and Nitrogen Fertilization on the Freezing and Salinity Tolerance of Two Urban Tree Species
Storm Wind Loads On Trees
Replacing Soil in the Root Zone of Mature Trees for Better Growth
Removal of atmospheric particles by leaves and twigs of urban trees: Some preliminary observations and assessment of research needs
Piedmont Community Tree Guide: Benefits, Costs, and Strategic Planting
"This report quantifies benefits and costs for large, medium, and small broadleaf trees and one coniferous tree in the Piedmont region: the species chosen as representative are red maple (Acer rubrum), Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), dogwood (Cornus florida), and loblolly pine (Pinus ... read more...
NeighbourWoods for Better Cities: Tools for developing multifunctional community woodlands in Europe
Mitigating New York City’s Heat Island with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs, and Light Surfaces
LEED for Neighborhood Development
Landscape Aesthetics (AH-701)
Interdisciplinary research at the Urban–Rural interface: The West Georgia project
Identified Benefits of Community Trees and Forests
Ginkgo: Eldest Tree Survivor
Geometry and orientation aspects in passive cooling of canyon streets with trees
Fungicide Sprays Affect Leaf Condition and Tree Appearance of Southern Magnolia
Effects of Short-term, High Exposure to Chlorine Gas on Morphology and Physiology of Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii
Projected Urban Growth (2000–2050) and Its Estimated Impact on the US Forest Resource
The Increasing Influence of Urban Environments on US Forest Management
A Plan to Integrate Management of Urban Trees into Air Quality Planning
Correlates of Urban Forest Canopy Cover: Implications for Local Public Works
A methodology to select the best locations for new urban forests using multicriteria analysis
Soil Temperatures under Urban Trees and Asphalt
Linked Landscapes: Creating greenway corridors through conservation subdivision design strategies in the northeastern and central United States
Isoprene emission capacity for US tree species
Predictive Equations for Estimating Street Tree Dimensions and Leaf Area in Glendale, Arizona
Protocols for Random Sampling Municipal Tree Inventories for Growth Curve Data
Peak Power and Cooling Energy Savings of Shade Trees
The tasks of forestry in one of the largest urbanised areas in Europe: urban forestry in the Ruhrgebiet
New urban forests in the Desired Flemish Forest Structure: practical experiences from West Flanders
Management of urban forests in Latvia
Principles of forest management in city-owned forests of Vantaa
Urban forestry management near Budapest: between state forestry and urban interests
A method for integral evaluation of forest vegetation vitality and state under anthropogenic impacts in the urban environment
Business District Streetscapes, Trees, and Consumer Response
Evaluating trees for saltwater spray tolerance for oceanfront sites
Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Inoculations of Established Residential Trees
Ash Yellows Occurrence and Association with Slow Growth of Green Ash in Iowa and Wisconsin Cities
Controlling Invasive Exotics: A Tallow Tree Replacement Program Campaign in Florida
Hazard Tree Assessments: Developing a Species Profile for Western Hemlock
Elements of Sustainability in Urban Forestry
Tree Growth Regulator Effect on Phototropism-Its Implication for Utility Forestry
Use of Soil and Trunk Injection of Systemic Insecticides to Control Lace Bug on Hawthorn
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