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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Wildlife problems, human attitudes, and response to wildlife in the Syracuse, New York, metropolitan area
Microcomputer software for use in urban tree evaluation
Psychological value of urban trees: Measurement, meaning, and imagination
Effects of vegetation on building energy performance
When a storm strikes
Urban forestry practices in Illinois: Analysis of a survey
Save our shade: A guide to cost-sharing for oak wilt control in Texas
Protection and care of the urban forest
Forests in the city: The Montana experience
Stewardship of community rivers: The urban forester's view
Urban forestry: Planning and managing urban greenspaces
Variation in Streamwater Quality in an Urban Headwater Stream in the Southern Appalachians
Urban Forestry in North America
Ultraviolet Radiation, Human Health, and the Urban Forest
Trees and Planting: Getting the Roots Right
Taxonomy & Identification: Redbay ( Persea borbonia)
At the edge of streams, springs, and swamps hides the redbay tree. Redbay (Persea borbonia), with its evergreen aromatic leathery leaves, dark blue fruit hanging on into winter, and reddish bark is a jewel among trees. read more...
SIP: Voluntary Urban Forestry Programs (Washington DC-MD-VA)
Sensitivity of Red Maple Cultivars to Acute and Chronic Exposures of Ozone
RFP: Rapid Assessment of Tree Damage Following Natural Disasters
Recycling Municipal Trees
Discusses alternative strategies for urban "saw-timber".
Recreational use value of Chandigarh city’s urban forestry
Q&A: Rapid Assessment of Tree Damage Following Natural Disasters
Proceedings of the 5th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference
Pollution mitigation and carbon sequestration by an urban forest
Pinus taeda loblolly pine
Pinus strobus: Eastern white pine
Pinus rigida: pitch pine
Pinus palustris: longleaf pine
Pinus glabra spruce pine
Pinus elliottii slash pine
Pest Matrix for Georgia’s Native Pines
Offsetting emissions: A business brief on the voluntary carbon market
Global carbon markets have doubled in size over the past year. Current estimates place regulated markets at US$21.5 billion and voluntary markets at about US$100 million for the first three quarters of 2006. And the prospects for continued growth in carbon markets are strong. read more...
Non-market economic valuation in developing countries: Role of participant observation method in CVM analysis
Improved methods for quantifying potential nutrient interception by riparian buffers
Georgia’s Native Pines (PINUS): General Information For Identification
Georgia Model Urban Forest
Georgia: A New Order -- Selected Demographic Trends Impacting Forest Resources Decision-Making
F&C Guide to Carbon Offsetting
A growing number of companies - including F&C - are choosing to offset their carbon emissions. But at the same time, questions are being raised about the intergrity of offsetting schemes. read more...
Energy Efficiency Through Trees Act (Discussion Draft)
Alliance or Community Trees (ACT) is working with Congresswoman Matsui (D-CA) to create a program in the Department of Energy (DOE) to help utilities and nonprofit organizations plant shade trees for energy efficiency. Modeled after Sacramento Municipal Utility District's successful partnership ... read more...
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Urbanization on Wetland Quality
Using urban forests for energy efficiency and carbon storage
Native American communities: The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Design and species selection to reduce urban heat island and conserve energy
Street tree performance tests of crabapple cultivars: Initial results
Computer applications to assist tree selection
Promoting trees in, and around, towns
Chlorophyll content and gas exchange characteristics of ten southern urban tree species
A Dutch elm disease resistant triploid elm
Ecological bases for selecting urban trees
Elimination of circling tree roots during nursery production
Transplanting experiments: What worked and what did not
Conservation biology and the urban forest
Urban soils: An overview and their future
Amsterdam Tree Soil
Plant establishment and root growth research at the Urban Horticulture Institute (Ithaca, NY)
Seasonal effects on transplantability of scarlet oak, green ash, Turkish hazelnut and tree lilac
Size, design, and management of tree planting sites
The social benefits of resident involvement in tree planting
Street tree establishment
Tree survey and inspection
Shade tree forestry: A quick look at trees and tree care in the urban environment
Planning concerns relating to urban nature settings: The role of size and other physical features
Urban forestry: A look at the worth of trees
A revolution in tree pruning: Applying a new tree biology
Community forestry in eastern Montana
The value of shade in Kalispell, Montana
Tree survival on wooded lots following home construction
Trees for the landscape: Selection and culture
Levels and patterns of urban park use
The positive values of urban parks
Tree maintenance. 6th edition
Perceived quality of urban parks and forests
The economic benefits and costs of urban parks: An overview
Urban parks as social settings: Visitors' perceptions of anti-social behavior and crowding
Standards for pruning of shade trees, guying of shade trees, fertilizing shade and ornamental trees, lightning protection installation systems for shade trees, standard for hydraulic sprayer calibration
Trends in urban forestry management
The street trees of Egypt
Urban forestry: A bibliography: Second supplement
Forestry: A community tradition
Tree detailing
Collection of graphic details for landscape contracts.
Dutch elm disease; cause and prevention
Tree care
Establishment and early maintenance
Elements and total concept of urban tree design
Management practices for urban woodlands in Milton Keynes. In: Vegetation management in forestry, amenity and conservation areas, University of York, April 7-9, 1992
Urban and community forestry in Oregon: As assessment with recommendations for initiating action
Bringing the forest to town
Policy report: Working with the community: A conceptual framework for urban forest managers
Urban and peri-urban annotated bibliography
A stand-level model of an urban forest
Construction of a national urban forest impact model
Conifer species for Iowa
Avoiding tree and utility conflicts
Urban soil in landscape design
Don't top trees
Power lines and trees
Fulton County tree preservation ordinance: administrative guidelines for tree protection and landscaping, Fulton County, Georgia. Revised
Recycling the urban forest
Tree roots and foundations
Opportunities to increase urban forests and the potential impacts on carbon storage and conservation
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