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Recycling Municipal Trees

Reference Type
Report (Research or Project)

Discusses alternative strategies for urban "saw-timber".

"The purpose of this guide is to make officials of municipalities aware of an alternative strategy for using their street tree removals; a "recycling" strategy which can potentially turn a cost-burden scenario into an income-generating opportunity. The strategy involves merchandising sawmill-size logs from street tree removals to sawmills or other companies that have unique uses for street tree logs.


"The process includes:

  •  Identifying one or more sawmills in your area that may be interested in purchasing your material,
  •  Learning what their sawlog requirements are and deciding whether your street tree logs fit these requirements,
  •  Locating and removing metal and other foreign material in the logs,
  •  Storing sawlogs until a salable quantity is accumulated, and
  •  Being flexible and persistent enough to try this concept.

 "Recycling municipal trees by converting street tree removals to valuable sawlogs could potentially generate income as well as reduce the amount of time and labor costs involved in processing this material into firewood." [Executive Summary]


E.T. Cesa, E.A. Lempicki, J.H. Knotts
Date Published
USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area, S&PF
Publisher Location
Morgantown, WV (US)
Publication Number
Wood Utilization
Utilization, Wood products
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