Featured Highlight Listing
These items are selected from various sections of the site and have been tagged by the Urban Forestry South team as being important or noteworthy.
- FEMA Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide (PAPPG)
- This Public Assistance and Policy guide (v3.1 April/May 2018) guide that supersedes the FEMA 325 Debris Management Guide. FP 104-009-2
Assessing the Impact of Urban and Community Forestry Federal Grants - Final Report
- A report on funding that advances research and projects focused on improving the efficiency and quality of urban and community forests is economically, socially, and environmentally imperative. read more...
- Assessing the Impact of NUCFAC-recommended US Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Grants (2010-2015) - White Paper
- Twenty-six grants, awarded during years 2010-2015, were assessed for a number of impact indicators.
- Kids in the Woods
- Kids today spend twice as much time indoors as their parents did, missing out on the simple pleasures and lasting mental and physical health benefits of daily outdoor time. This section of our website is dedicated to providing resources and ideas for increasing the amount of time kids spend ...
- Unplug Handouts
- The U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council have joined forces to develop the Unplug campaign to encourage families to unplug their televisions and other electronics and take themselves and their children outside to reconnect with nature and become closer as a family by sharing in healthy ...
- Leaves of Change
- Leaves of Change is a quarterly publication that focuses on our science delivery activities, research projects, and partner activities. This bulletin is sent out electronically and by mail. If you are interested in receiving this bulletin by either method please contact Annie Hermansen-Baez, ...
- Changing Roles: WUI Professional Development Program
- This program provides state and federal natural resource agencies with a set of flexible resources to conduct their own training programs, aimed toward building skills and tools to successfully tackle WUI issues.
- UFS Collection: Trees & Stormwater Runoff (Green Stormwater Infrastructure)
- A "quick link" to the GI resource collection
- eLearn Urban Forestry
- eLearn Urban Forestry is a state-of-the-art online, distance-learning program geared specifically toward beginning urban foresters and those allied professionals working in and around urban and urbanizing landscapes, including service foresters, natural resource planners, landscape architects, city ...
Assessing the Impact of Urban and Community Forestry Federal Grants - Summary
- To demonstrate the value of NUCFAC- recommended grants, the USFS supported an assessment of twenty-six grants, awarded during the years 2010-2015. The following summary report includes results from this assessment. read more...
LEAF Summit - UCF Focus Perspective and Human Health
- USDA FS national approach to interpreting and using urban forest research (the national technology & science delivery team) – with trees and human health as the focus. read more...
Urban Forest and Human Health Links and Discussion
- A selected list of links of the relationship between human health and urban green read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - Checklist
- This is the current version of the Urban Forest Sustainability & Management Review checklist. Also see the beta version of the Excel spreadsheet tool. [23Feb17 Austin] read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - Discovery Catagory Matrix
- This is a PDF of the table for summarizing document discovery by category and element. Provides a visual "gap" analysis across the review/audit spectrum of evaluation. read more...
Urban Forestry Using ArcGIS Domains and ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
- Domains are geodatabase components designed to make GIS editing tasks faster and more accurate ensuring integrity of your database and reliability of all products derived from that data. Within ArcGIS Online (AGOL) domains become the drop-down selection lists in ESRI Collector. read more...
GIS Tools and Domains for Urban Forestry
- A handout for the 10th Southern Forestry and Natural Resource Management GIS Conference, December 7-8, 2015, Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens (GA) presentation by Rama Sivakumar and Dudley Hartel. read more...
Tree Ordinance Resource List
- A list of current resources to help communities develop tree protection ordinances. read more...
- Urban and Community Forestry: Challenges
- This presentation is based on an overview of the national U&CF program prepared by Jan Davis (Director Urban & Community Forestry, Washington, DC) that focuses on U&CF priorities developed collaboratively with national urban forestry partners (Vibrant Cites, President's Climate Action Plan, NUCFAC).
Summary of Urban Citizen Forestry Programs
- A summary of 22 citizen forestry programs in the US. read more...
Data Model for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco
- Georgia Tech's Center for GIS has developed an extensible GIS data model to support the 100% inventory of campus trees to the i-Tree Eco protocol. read more...