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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Community forestry plan
Current situation of the urban forest in Mexico City
Building with trees: Trees and development can be compatible
Planting and light-colored surfacing for energy conservation
Lessons learned from successful tree programs
Cooling our communities: A guidebook on tree planting and light-colored surfacing
Planting and painting the town
Chicago's evolving urban forest: An initial report of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project
Shade trees for the central and northern United States and Canada
Treatment of tree wounds
Urban tree residue: An assessment of wood residue from tree removal and trimming operations in the seven-county metro area of Minnesota
Oak decline: A comparison of study results from different areas of the South
Tree inventories and the urban forester
Ash yellows in Minnesota
US Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement
"Climate disruption is an urgent threat to the environmental and economic health of our communities. Many cities, in this country and abroad, already have strong local policies and programs in place to reduce global warming pollution, but more action is needed at the local, state, and federal ... read more...
Trees & Building Sites
Partnership strategies: Tree boards and urban forestry
The status of urban forestry academic accreditation
Growing greener communities: How can we get the community involved?
Towards diversity: Educating new professionals
Urban forestry education: Traditions and possibilities
Educational urban forestry at Southern University
Urban and community forestry: The role of a national non-profit
In our own backyard: Conserving urban wildlife
Social and economic benefits of the urban forest
An evaluation of the solar radiant environment in the shade of deciduous trees
Trees, people and the urban environment
Urban forests as part of the ecological whole
Landscape ecology of urban forest corridors
Benefits of urban shelterbelts
The urban forest component of public infrastructure
Public response to the urban forest in inner-city business districts
Large evergreen trees for the home landscape
Root development after transplanting
Identification and control of oak wilt in Texas urban forests
Growth, form and function of roots and root systems
Urban trees
Root barriers for controlling damage to sidewalks
Tree retention during development
Interactions between aeration and moisture content in selected urban soils
Post-transplant root growth and water relations of Thuja occidentalis from field and containers
The nature of urban soils: Their problems and future
Soil compaction on heavily used sites
Development of integrated pest management programs in urban forests: the elm leaf beetle (Xanthogaleruca luteola (Muller)) in California, USA
A review of the effects of soil compaction and amelioration treatments on landscape trees
The effect of moisture and sunlight on the severity of dogwood anthracnose in street trees
Responses of trees to stress
Urban soil temperatures and their potential impact on tree growth
Effects of trunk-injected abamectin on the elm leaf beetle
Street tree decline and construction damage
Trenching and street trees: Local co-operation and liason
Factors affecting accumulation of deicing salts in soils around trees
Using steel rods for the non-destructive assessment of aeration in urban soils
Evaluation and preservation of champion trees in urban Hong Kong
Efficient monitoring for an urban IPM program
Trees in difficult sites
The relationship of root growth and tree vigour following transplanting
The tragedy of the commons: An update
Urban trees in Hong Kong: Benefits and constraints
A SWAT team for urban forestry
NU-Tree Net - A resource network for urban foresters
People, parks and the urban green: A study of popular meanings and values for open spaces in the city
Soil and tree resource inventories for campus landscapes
A formula for assessing the ecological value of trees
Wound closure rates on trees
Preservation of a large Chinese Banyan on a construction site
Liabilities and duties associated with trees which abut streets and highways
The role of forest pathologists in the urban forest
Planning for avian wildlife in urbanizing areas in American desert/mountain valley environments
Street tree study as a theme in urban biogeography
Plants tolerant of wet sites
Trunk wounds and decay
Tree root problems
Soil problems in urban areas
Preventing construction damage to trees
Drought damage to trees
Watering trees
Basic water properties: attributes and reactions essential for tree life
Trees & our air: the role of trees and other vegetation in Houston-area air pollution
Economic value of urban forests: comparison of economic estimates
Guide for rating condition and location tree appraisal factors
Tree and shrub handbook: selection, care, pests, diseases
Golf course tree management
Development of community forest policy in England: delivering public benefits on the urban fringe
Comparison of calculated and measured leaf masses of urban trees
Planting and managing amenity woodlands. Rev. ed
Trees for poorly drained soils in the landscape
Heat stroke in trees
Urban trees for wildlife
Objectives, form and functions of urban forests and urban trees
Selection and establishment of urban forests and urban trees
Management of urban forests and urban trees
Research and development in urban forestry in Europe: report of COST Action E12
National Urban Forestry Unit: a review of progress
Annual report for activities June 1998 thru May 1999
How to recognize and prevent hazard trees
Study of the socially integrative potential of natural spaces: two examples of projects with disabled persons in Switzerland and Germany
Green industry evaluation of Michigan urban trees
Selection and establishment of urban forests and urban trees
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