Applications and Data
A file download & exchange area for computer applications, database or spreadsheet templates, GIS data, and Palm Pilot or other handheld programs.
These programs or data are all in the public domain and may be used as-is or modified if the source code is included.
Wildland-Urban Interface Data
- Excel spreadsheet data (County level, Wildland-Urban Interface 2000 statistics) for the 13 states (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, OK, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA) of Region 8 (USDA Forest Service). read more...
Tree Assessment Debris Cost Sheet
- A cost sheet developed by the Urban Forest Strike Team (UFST) based on Tulsa, Oklahoma work with FEMA Debris Teams. read more...
Berkeley Lake i-Tree STRATUM Data
- This data set was collected during an i-Tree workshop in Berkeley Lake, GA on April 22, 2008. The data set is in MicroSoft Access format and can be used in STRATUM directly. read more...
Tree-lined streets may help childhood asthma rates
- Young children who live in neighborhoods with lots of trees have lower rates of asthma than children who reside in areas with fewer trees, a new study finds. read more...
UFORE Complete Inventory - Data Dictionary Attributes Configuration
- This document outlines how the UFORE data dictionary attributes are configured so that those using a GPS software package other than Trimble's GPS Pathfinder Office can create their own form or feature file. read more...
UFORE Species Guide
- This Excel spreadsheet contains all of the species and their codes used for a UFORE project. read more...
UFORE Quick Start Guide
- This guide is designed to help walk one through the thought process and steps for designing a UFORE project. read more...
UFORE Complete Inventory Data Collection Sheet
- This Excel spreadsheet is designed to be used to collect or manage UFORE complete inventory data. read more...
Post-storm Urban Tree Risk Assessment Data Dictionary
- This data dictionary was developed to be used to assess urban trees for hazards after a natural disaster. It was set up using Trimble technology (GPS Pathfinder Office software). read more...
Desoto County i-Tree Project - Actual Land Use Poster
- This poster shows locations of all i-Tree Eco plots around Desoto County, MS and displays actual land use percentages within each NLCD 2001 land cover type. These results were estimated using i-Tree Eco. read more...
2010 Master Gardner Registration Form
- Registration Form
EcoShape ArcMap Toolbox
- This ArcMap Toolbox application converts properly formatted data from an ESRI shapefile into an i-Tree Eco project database. This tool is designed to be used with ArcMap 9.3.1 or newer. Read details before using this tool. read more...
Gulf Coast Landcover Analysis
- The following datasets (available on CD from Urban Forestry South) were used to perform landcover change analysis for the Gulf Coast region of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, in part to evaluate the impact of Hurricane Katrina. The raster datasets (images and grids) were processed at American Forests from imagery provided by Sanborn Map Company. read more...
2010 Master Gardner - Construction Damage Quiz
- Construction Damage Quiz
2010 Master Gardner - Construction Damage Quiz Answers
- Construction Damage Quiz Answers
2010 Master Gardner - Construction Damage Quiz
- 2010 Master Tree Farmer - Construction Damage Quiz read more...
Level 1 Tree Risk Assessment Field Worksheet (XLSX)
- An example Excel spreadsheet for collecting Level 1 tree risk data based on ANSI A300 Part 9 and the ISA BMP. read more...
Tree Board 101: Community Forestry Planning
- This webinar discusses the need for urban forest managment planning, the planning process, and the on-line Urban Forest Management Plan Writing Tool. read more...
ISA-BMP-Level-I-Field-Worksheet - Excel Spreadsheet
- The Excel spreadsheet used to develop the Level 1 field worksheet. read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Review - UFSM ReviewCalc
- This is an Excel spreadsheet that implements the Urban Forest Sustainability & Management Review checklist. Beta v6.6a with Discovery Matrix. [23Feb17 Austin] read more...
Urban Forestry Spreadsheet for ArcMap Domains
- Domains are geodatabase components designed to make GIS editing tasks faster and more accurate ensuring integrity of your database and reliability of all products derived from that data. Within ArcGIS Online (AGOL) domains become the drop-down selection lists in ESRI Collector. read more...
Urban Forestry File Geodatabase (FGDB) Using ArcGIS Domains
- Domains are geodatabase components designed to make GIS editing tasks faster and more accurate ensuring integrity of your database and reliability of all products derived from that data. read more...
Urban Forestry Map Document Using ArcGIS Domains
- Domains are geodatabase components designed to make GIS editing tasks faster and more accurate ensuring integrity of your database and reliability of all products derived from that data. read more...
Data Model for GIS Database Management and i-Tree Eco (FGDB)
- This is the file geodatabase developed by Georgia Tech's Center for GIS as an extensible GIS data model to support the 100% inventory of campus trees to the i-Tree Eco protocol. read more...
Python Tools Developed for GIS Database Management (Scripts)
- Python scripts developed by Georgia Tech's Center for GIS to support the i-Tree Eco GIS data model read more...
Urban Forest Sustainability and Management Audit Discovery Category Matrix (Excel)
- This is a stand-alone Excel spreadsheet that includes a worksheet to list all discoveries and a worksheet to summarize where the discovered documents fit into the matrix of categories and elements. [23Feb17 Austin] read more...
Gray to Green (G2G): User Guide and Documentation
- A decision support tool for transitioning to vegetation-based stormwater management. A product of the University of South Florida in partnership with the University of Florida and Thomas L. Singleton Consulting with grant funding assistance from the U.S. Forest Service. read more...