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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Coping with vandalism
Development and implementation of high level Dutch elm disease management programs in six Minnesota counties
Fungicide injection and pruning for control of Dutch elm disease in Greenfield Village, Michigan
The London plane tree decline problem in New York City: Relative contributions of abiotic and biotic stresses
Urban forest pest management in a metropolitan forest
Urban tree and forest pest management: An economic perspective
The role of Phytophthora and Fusarium in Wisconsin urban maple decline
Dutch elm disease survey for selected communities in 1982
Construction damage to trees
Survival of elms: A guide to Dutch elm disease control performance
Trees for urban parks: A guide for the selection and culture of trees in northeastern cities
Effect of planting procedures on initial growth of Acer rubrum L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanicum L. in a parking lot
Urban forest soils: A reference workbook
State of the trees
Seattle's city forest: An owner's manual
Testing and evaluation of pest resistant trees with low maintenance qualities: some examples
Trees in urban centres
Trees in the suburbs
Trees in the city
Use of vegetation to ameliorate building microclimates: An assessment of energy conservation potentials
Determining shade tree values: Adjusting for insect pest damage
Characteristics and value of wind-damaged privately-owned shade trees
Determining the monetary value of landscape trees
Social and economic benefits of trees in cities
Mountain pine beetle impacts on scenic values in forest residential sites
Urban environmental aesthetics
Using the media in urban forest pest management programs: principles and examples
Public information support for local urban forest pest management programs
Methods of communicating to the urban clientele in northeastern Illinois
Information dissemination needs in urban forest pest management
Providing information: Researchers to practitioners
Information management and dissemination using computer technology
Suggestions for implementing survey research results that deal with public attitudes and behavior towards arthropod pests in urban environments
Strategies for developing forestry education programs in urban areas with application to several municipalities
The effectiveness of vegetation on residential cooling
Spatial distribution of nutrients in throughfall beneath the crowns of three urban tree species
Honey fungus. 2d ed
Directory of urban and community forestry professionals in the U.S. and Canada
Street trees for metropolitan New York
Protecting trees when building on forested lands
The design and management of the urban forest: A selected bibliography
Valuation and property taxation of forests, orchards, and trees: A bibliography
Urban forestry in Singapore
Urban forestry in Japan
Urban forestry in Hong Kong
Urban forests in southeast Asia
Classification of American metropolitan areas by ecoregion and potential natural vegetation
Computerisation of tree inventories
Designating a greenbelt around the city of Riga, Latvia
Mitigating New York City’s Heat Island with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs, and Light Surfaces
Classic References For Georgia Pines (Pinus)
Chatham County Emergency Operations Plan
Chatham County Emergency Operations Plan
American Standard for Nursery Stock
"The purpose of the American Standard for Nursery Stock is to provide buyers and sellers of nursery stock with a common terminology in order to facilitate transactions involving nursery stock. read more...
A Practical Approach to Assessing Structure, Function, and Value of Street Tree Populations in Small Communities (Thesis)
A comparison between TCM and CVM in assessing the recreational use value of urban forestry
Uses of street tree inventory data
Computerized tree inventory
Municipal tree contracts
Shade tree ordinances
A microcomputer-based park tree inventory system
The place of trees in towns: A planner's view
Public awareness and knowledge of urban parks: A case study
Design for survival
Public attitudes toward a municipal forestry program
Vegetation's impact on urban infrastructure
Land use and town and country planning
Studies on optimal land use planning of suburban forest areas (II). No.2. Agriculture and forestry in suburban areas
Studies on optimal land use planning of suburban forest areas (II). No.1. Extension of urban areas and changes of land use in suburban forest areas
Identifying shade tree problems
How to establish a preventive tree maintenance program
Fertilizing shade trees
Urban pest management: Decision-making and social conflict in the control of gypsy moth in west-coast cities
Advances in urban pest management
Estimating urban vegetation cover in Los Angeles
Forestry in the community
Development of flora and fauna in urban areas. Strasbourg, Council of Europe
An introductory guide to community and urban forestry in Washington, Oregon and California
The urban forest; it's the nature of Vancouver: A guide to selecting and planting trees
[Urban forestry.]
Southern pine bark beetles in the urban environment
The needs and activities in town forests: A survey of the New Hampshire town forest commissions
Fertilizing and watering trees
Oak pests: A guide to major insects, diseases, air pollution and chemical injury
Performance of woody landscape plants in Minnesota: A survey of hardiness and site requirements
Urban forestry and impact on environment: A study of Mysore City
A socio-ecological study of the avenue trees in Calcutta
Wound healing in street trees
The selection and breeding of woody plants for functional use in the landscape
Environmental stress in street trees
Prospects for long term protection against decay in trees
Weed control in amenity plantings
Tree biology and tree care: Photo guide
The greening of the cities
Diseases of trees and shrubs
Urban forestry 1984-May 1987
Urban forestry: Dream or reality?
Shade-tree selection
Urban plantings for wildlife
The potential of vegetation in reducing summer cooling loads in residential buildings
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