Tools to Calculate Stormwater Benefits of Urban Trees
- Integrating a canopy interception spreadsheet tool with WinSLAMM for site stormwater design: potential water quantity and quality benefits
- This presentation was given by Dane Wudel at the pre-conference workshop for the Center for Watershed Protection Annual Conference in Charleston, SC. It reviews a spreadsheet tool developed to show how tree canopy cover modifies rainfall volume that can be fed into the WinSLAMM model.
Making Urban Trees Count: Stormwater Performance Based Credit Calculator
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #6 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
- Gray 2 Green (G2G) Decision Support Tool
- A decision support tool for transitioning to vegetation-based stormwater management
- Incorporating Forestry into Stormwater Management Programs: State of the Science and Business Model Evaluation for Nutrient Reduction and Volume Control
- The overall goal of this project was to document the contribution of urban tree systems to stormwater nutrient and volume control in terms of their effectiveness at various scales, cost, desirability, and practicality.
- Evaluating Stormwater Benefits of Atlanta's Urban Forest
- This is a Featured Article in the January 2020 Stormwater Magazine expounding on a presentation given by Amanda Medori Hallauer and Eric Kuehler at the 2019 StormCon annual conference in Atlanta, GA.
Making Urban Trees Count: Pollutant Load Reduction Credit Tool
- CREDITING FRAMEWORK PRODUCT #4 of Making Urban Trees Count: A Project to Demonstrate the Role of Urban Trees in Achieving Regulatory Compliance for Clean Water read more...
- MIDS (Minimal Impact Design Standards) Calculator
- The calculator was developed to assist designers and regulators in determining conformance to the MIDS performance goals. The MIDS BMP calculator is a tool used to determine stormwater runoff volume and pollutant reduction capabilities of various low impact development (LID) BMPs.
- Accounting for Trees in Stormwater Models
- This paper is intended to help the stormwater engineering community more easily account for trees in runoff and pollutant load calculations so that they can more readily incorporate them into their stormwater management strategies.
- Trees and Stormwater Calculator Tool
- The Trees and Stormwater Calculator Tool is intended to simulate the impact of increasing or decreasing urban tree canopies upon stormwater runoff yield.
Evaluation of Natural Green Infrastructure for Watershed Planning in the City of Atlanta
- This white paper describes a Preservation Evaluation Tool used to assign an evaluation score to a particular area of preservation or restoration interest and a watershed model used to understand the water quality benefits provided by natural GI and the City’s tree canopy. This tool was developed by ... read more...
- Incorporating Forestry into Stormwater Management Programs
Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- The purpose of this draft document is to focus on the research-based effects of trees on urban stormwater runoff, provide some helpful urban forest management strategies to maximize stormwater benefits, and demonstrate several examples around the United States where the stormwater benefits of urban ... read more...