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Wood Waste Recycling (City of Olympia, WA)

“The intent of this study is to evaluate the potential of converting the resulting wood from hazard tree removal to its highest and best use...[which] may include processing logs into lumber so it can be utilized in the community.” [Page 1]

“The intent of this study is to evaluate the potential of converting the resulting wood from hazard tree removal to its highest and best use...[which] may include processing logs into lumber so it can be utilized in the community.” [Page 1].  This study lists the criteria and procedures for the removal, processing, and sale of wood from street trees, and provides information on hazard and value determination.  It includes legal issues surrounding the sale of wood owned by the city (i.e. tax policy), the procedure of processing of wood (along with photo documentation and a detailed cost assessment), and marketing objectives.  A table shows wood product uses and value by species, and there is a compilation of useful forms and instructions with relation to this program at the end of the document.  [MWCUCF]

[30 pages]

[8.5” x 11”]


S. Royer, J. Roush
City of Olympia, Washington
Olympia, WA (US)
Resource Format
Model Project/Program
Wood Utilization, Benefits (general/multiple)
Product, Product, Processing, Processing, Air quality, Air quality, Utilization, Utilization, Marketing, Marketing, Firewood, Firewood, Wood, Wood, Sale, Sale, Hazard, Hazard, Removal, Removal, Benefit, Benefit, Lumber, Lumber, Evaluate, Evaluate, Procedure, Procedure, Cost, Cost
MW: F-BKLT-WA-**-002
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