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Verification Program Manual

The Climate Action Reserve created this Verification Program Manual to detail the requirements of its verification program and provide accredited verification bodies with a standardized approach for the independent and rigorous verification of GHG emissions reductions and removals reported by project developers into its offset registry.

This standardized approach defines a verification process that promotes the relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy, transparency and conservativeness of emissions reductions data reported in the Reserve. This is an accompanying document to the Program Manual which presents the Reserve’s policies, processes and procedures for registering projects and creating offset credits with the Reserve.

Verification is an integral part of the Reserve; the key objectives of the verification program and guidelines found in this manual are to: 

ensure projects are real, additional, permanent, verifiable and enforceable 

minimize the risk of invalid creation or double counting of Climate Reserve Tonnes (CRTs) 

support the transparency and integrity of the data contained within Reserve

maintain that verifications are conducted in a consistent and comparable manner across projects

assist the Reserve in monitoring project developer’s on-going compliance with the Reserve’s protocols

The Reserve requires third-party verification of all GHG projects, as specified in each project protocol, and CRTs are issued only after a Verification Report and a Verification Opinion attesting to their accuracy have been submitted by the verifier and accepted by the Reserve. The Reserve relies upon the Verification Report to attest to the accuracy and legitimacy of the CRTs issued and the verification body is held accountable to the Reserve for the quality and independence of the report and opinion submitted to the Reserve.

Climate Action Reserve
Date Published
June 2009
Resource Format
Carbon, Environmental Services, Maintenance Specifications, Forest Management
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