Urban Tree Risk & Disasters – Assessment, Planning and Recovery
The webinar presentation that summarizes the results of the Vegetation Risk Management Plan (VRMP) designed to mitigate the cost of debris removal and minimize future emergency and disaster costs as it relates to tree and vegetative debris.
The objective of the Vegetation Risk Management Plan is to prioritize areas (street segments) of a community for more detailed tree risk assessment, mitigation, and management utilizing the Urban Tree Risk Index (UTRI) model while integrating the urban forestry and emergency management professions and their common goals for program development and delivery.
This project was funded in whole or in part by the U. S. Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program, as recommended by the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council.
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A. Dhakal, R. Barker, R. Franklin, D.R Hartel (Technical Oversight)
September 2012
Risk Assessment and Hazard, Modeling (spatial), GIS/Mapping, Disaster Plans (FEMA)
VRMP, Disaster, Disaster Planning, Risk management, UTRI