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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Tree planting in the City of London
Atmospheric carbon reduction by urban trees
Compensatory value of an urban forest: An application of the tree-value formula
Designing alternatives to avoid street tree conflicts
Gypsy moth management in Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC
Urban forestry research: The Forest Service perspective
A computerized street tree inventory system for small cities using Lotus 1-2-3
Integrating classical biological control with plant health in the urban forest
The Middlesbrough Urban Forestry Strategy
Compressed air soil injection around amenity trees
Urban trees: A guide for selection, maintenance, and master planning
Pre-planning tree surveys: Safe Useful Life Expectancy (SULE) is the natural progression
Interactions between tree roots and construction work
The structure and management of the urban forest in Prague, Czechoslovakia. I. Growing space in Metropolitan Prague
How to write a municipal tree ordinance
Avenues and boulevards: A guide to their tree management
Comprehensive urban forestry program, December, 1993
Monitoring urban forest canopy cover using satellite imagery
Shade trees for the Southeastern United States: an Auburn University evaluation
Partnerships for livable communities: proceedings, National Urban and Community Conservation Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, Nov. 7-10, 1993
Working Trees for Tomorrow's Communities (WTTC)
Tree City USA program
Partners in American's (sic) urban forests
Planting in urban areas
A model for ecosystem management with urban and suburban forests
Monitoring urban forest health
Methods and results of natural resource assessments in New York City, New York
The state of urban forestry in California - 1992
Verticillium wilt of trees and shrubs
Choosing landscape evergreens
Placing a value on trees
Vegetation structure, dynamics and utilization of the urban forest - Mt. Inwang, Mt. Samsung and Mt. Soorak
Landscape conservation planning: Preserving ecosystems in open space networks
Tree conservation ordinances: Land-use regulations go green
What city foresters do
Tree protection ordinances
Pruning trees: A guide for homeowners
Planting for energy conservation in Minnesota communities: Summary report for 1991-93 LCMR research project
Modeling benefits and costs of community tree plantings
Tree planting for energy efficiency: Economic analysis
Urban ecology and special features of urban ecosystems
Urban and community forestry in Pennsylvania: municipal tree commissions
Urban and community forestry in Pennsylvania: opportunities for volunteers
Urban and community forestry in Pennsylvania: working with local government for successful urban forests
Evaluation of some little-known Asian elms for urban use
Dutch elm disease resistance in progeny from interspecific crosses with Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
Variation in elm leaf miner injury on elms in Wisconsin
Development Of Decay In The Sapwood Of Trees Wounded By The Use Of Decay Detecting Devices
Urban Green Space Management Information
Advanced technology for the urban forester
Applying urban forestry in small communities
A review of the Black Country Urban Forest Millennium Programme, 1995-2001
Tree pathogen survival in chipped wood mulch
Arborists should have a central role in educating the public about veteran trees
A review of preventative and loosening measures to alleviate soil compaction in tree planting areas
Environmental arboriculture, tree ecology and veteran tree management
The care of trees in the built environment
Higher education on urban forestry in Europe: an overview
Measurement and prediction of tree growth reduction from tree planting space design in established parking lots
An exploratory study of preferred tree form
Leaf miners of cultivated plants on urban areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Arboriculture and the law: A Canadian case study
Integrating humans into ecology: opportunities and challenges for studying urban ecosystems
Anatomy and morphology of select red maple cultivars
Green laws in three communities
Handheld technologies for urban forestry: inventories, GIS and more
A survey of insect pests and their natural enemies in urban ecosystems
Preserving trees of the U.S. Capitol
Precisely planting the right tree in the right place
An investigation to assess the impact of street infrastructure improvements on the roots of adjacent cork oak trees
Big trees in the city: a perfect fit
Future directions for urban forestry
The Wildland-urban interface in U.S. metropolitan areas
Communication tools for the wildland-urban interface
Benefits and costs of tree planting and care in Chicago
Energy-saving potential of trees in Chicago
Air pollution removal by Chicago's urban forest
Atmospheric carbon dioxide reduction by Chicago's urban forest
Urban forest structure: The state of Chicago's urban forest
Bacterial leaf scorch of urban trees
The basics of urban and community forestry
From the living collection to the urban forest
Urban forestry and plant conservation: the role of botanical gardens
Urban forestry? Environmental Education? Public Gardens? Yes
What is the role of the federal government in urban and community forestry?
What botanical gardens can contribute to urban forestry research
Volunteers in urban forestry
Forest plan
How to fund community forestry
Metro Region forest resource management plan: Summary report for public review
Social aspects of urban forestry. Urbana, IL, International Society of Arboriculture
Making room for wildlife
Amenity valuation: The Helliwell system revised
Economic impacts of urban forestry in California, 1992
Investigation of the influence of Chicago's urban forests on wind and air temperature within residential neighborhoods
Local scale energy and water exchanges in a Chicago neighborhood
Chicago's urban forest ecosystem: Results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project
Lessons learned in the inner city
Environmental equity within Milwaukee's urban forest
Evaluation of heritage trees for conservation and management in Guangzhou City (China)
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