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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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The Appropriate Response Process (ARP) and Its Role in Plant Health Care
Root Barrier and Extension Casing Effects on Chinese Hackberry
Testing of Structural Urban Tree Soil Materials for Use under Pavement to Increase Street Tree Rooting Volumes
Growth Regulation of Some Tropical Species
Factors Affecting Cytosporo Canker Occurrence on Aspen
Community Tree Planting: Early Survival and Carbon Sequestering Potential
The Influence of Defoliation on Flowering Dogwood
Growth and Iron Sequestering of Pin Oak (Quercus Palustris) Seedlings Inoculated with Soil Containing Ectomycorrhizal Fungi
Effects of Ground-Based Applications of Soap, Bacillus Thuringiensis, Cyfluthrin, and Trunk Barriers on Gypsy Moth Density and Defoliation
Resistance to Dogwood Anthracnose Among Cornus Species
Suppression of Bark Beetles and Protection of Pines in the Urban Environment: A Case Study
Red Maple and Silver Maple Growth Evaluated 10 Years After Application of Paclobutrazol Tree Growth Regulator
Neighbor Law: Fences, Trees, Boundaries & Noise
Report of the SCUFRI to the Southern Group of State Foresters
The Myth of Polyacrylamide Hydrogels
UFS CMS Beta Test Summary (Draft)
Structural Soil: An Innovative Medium Under Pavement That Improves Street Tree Vigor
Getting To The Root of Tree Problems
Northern Mountain and Prairie Community Tree Guide
Mapping variable-width streamside management zones for water quality protection
University of California Davis Campus Tree Resource Analysis
Tree Wound Reactions of Differently Treated Boreholes
Research on Business Visitors' Behavior: Trees and Commerce in Athens, Georgia
Polyethylene Plastic Wrap for Tree Wounds: A Promoter of Wound Closure on Fresh Wounds
Parking Lot Tree Shading Design and Maintenance Guidelines
Municipal Forest Benefits and Costs in Five US Cities
Performance-Based Methodology for Allocating Urban & Community Forestry Program Funds
Disaster Recovery: A Window of Opportunity
Economic valuation of urban forest benefits in Finland
Payments for environmental services: Some nuts and bolts
STRATUM: Reference City Field Data Collection Protocols
Sudden Oak Death
Georgia's Urban and Community Forest: An Assessment and Five-Year Strategic Plan 2000-2004
Preparing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Urban forestry advancements in North Dakota, USA
Tree management in Montreal
Development of an index for visibility analysis of urban forests
Evaluation of amenity trees mainly in private ownership within the Borough of Tunbridge Wells (Kent, England)
A program for the trunk formula method of tree appraisal
The contribution of trees and woodland to the value of property
People, trees and participation on the urban frontier
Urban forestry in Mexico City
The use of a vegetation index for assessment of the urban heat island effect
Reducing home heating costs by the use of shelterbelts
Influences of street tree systems on summer micro-climate and noise attenuation in Nanjing City, China
Energy conservation potential of urban tree planting
Quantifying the impact of trees: The Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project
Trees and landscape of a suburban residential neighbourhood in Hong Kong
EnerTree: Energy management through urban forestry
The effect of trees on summertime below canopy urban climates: A case study, Bloomington, Indiana
An expert system for tree selection in urban forestry
Cooling impact of urban trees. Pakistan
Non-traditional trees for non-traditional designs
Long term arboreal change in a landscaped urban park: Central Park, New York
Selecting trees and shrubs for minimal water use
Reasonable guidelines for street tree diversity
Freeman maple: Illusion and truth
Oaks for urban landscapes in northern Illinois
Updated tree planting techniques in the landscape
Massive tree-planting failures due to multiple soil problems
A monitoring system and development of ecologically sound treatments for elm leaf beetle
Street trees: Maintain or manage? II. Management in practice
Adaptation of trees to low-light environments: Effect on branching pattern of Fraxinus Americana
A practical guide to the use of steel rods for the assessment of aeration in urban soils
Ice storm damage to urban trees
The effect of stem nutrient injection and compressed air soil injection on the performance of established amenity trees
Development of the steel rod technique for the assessment of aeration in urban soils
The biological control of Dutch elm disease: Light at the end of the tunnel
Growth and water relations of Liquidambar styraciflua L. in an urban park and plaza
Survival and mortality of urban trees
Failure criteria for trees
Trees and foundations: A reassessment
The relative water demand of broad-leaved trees: A new analysis of the Kew Tree Root Survey
The effect of trenching on growth and plant health of selected species of shade trees
Action for London's trees: Investing in a leafy capital. Walgrave, UK, Countryside Commission, Task Force
Nectec fungicidal tree wound dressing: A therapeutic approach
New avenues for understanding processes of tree decay
The double belt system for tree crown stabilization
Flatheaded borer in white alder landscape trees
Regeneration of girdling roots after removal
Effectiveness of three barrier materials for stopping regenerating roots of established trees
Efficient water regimes for city trees
New idea to predict deforestation at urban fringe
Street trees: Maintain or manage? I. Tree management - South Glamorgan style
Street tree trends in Kansas and the influence of community factors
Regulation of trees on private property
The Role of Arboriculture in A Healthy Social Ecology
A comparison of urban forest management systems in Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Dayton
Impact of pests on urban trees: The biological perspective
Decline in oaks associated with urbanization
Dutch elm disease and its management
Shade tree diseases and their control
Environmental stresses in disease predisposition
Sanitation in the control of Dutch elm disease
Diseases of forest and ornamental trees
Urban and suburban trees: Pest problems, needs, prospects, and solutions
Arboriculture specifications
Current urban pest research issues
A disease overview of young, popularly used, deciduous tree cultivars
How to detect and correct hazard trees near your home
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