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Using midday stem water potential to assess irrigation needs of landscape valley oaks

Reference Type
Conference Proceedings (Chapter)

In a number of deciduous tree crops a reliable pressure chamber measurement of water stress (midday stem water potential or SWP) has been recently developed and found to be closely related to both irrigation regime and tree physiological responses to stress.... [The authors] believe that SWP will be a valuable tool to determine the water needs of landscape valley oaks, particularly those with damaged root systems, while avoiding the potential for root disease development due to overirrigation.

[Ti: Using midday stem water potential to assess irrigation needs of landscape valley oaks]
[Au: Shackel, K. and, Gross, R., ,]
[So: In: Standiford, R.B. et al., tech. coords. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California's Changing Landscape, San Diego, Oct. 22-25, 2001. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station. Gen. Tech. Report PSW-GTR-184. p.397-402.]
[Ky: Maintenance]]

K. Shackel, R. Gross
Date Published
In: Standiford, R.B. et al., tech. coords. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California's Changing Landscape, San Diego, Oct. 22-25, 2001. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station. Gen. Tech. Report PSW-GTR-184. p.397-402.
In: Standiford, R.B. et al., tech. coords. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California's Changing Landscape, San Diego, Oct. 22-25, 2001. USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station. Gen. Tech. Report PSW-GTR-184. p.397-402.
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