Trees Mean Business
A Study of the Economic Impacts of Trees and Forests in the Commercial Districts of New York City and New Jersey"Trees New York (TNY) and Trees New Jersey (TNJ) conducted this research to generate quantifiable data and subjective valuation as related to trees and urban forests in commercial areas within the region. It was hypothesized that over the years there had been a steady loss of forest cover in commercially zoned suburban areas, as well as in downtown urban areas. The study examined the trends of forest loss in commercial districts within the region and sought to quantify the public and private benefits of these forests. This was accomplished through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, existing scientific modeling techniques and interviews." [from Executive Summary]
T.J. Chandler, J. Raser, M. O’Gorman, J.E. Bisco Werner
September 1996
Booklet, Electronic File
GIS/Mapping, Economic Development, Perceptions/Values/Attitudes, Benefits (general/multiple)
New Jersey, New York
Downtown, Downtown, Leaf characteristics, Leaf characteristics, Valuation, Valuation, NUCFAC, NUCFAC, UFORE, UFORE