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Relating forestry investment to the characteristics of nonindustrial private forestland owners in Northern California

Author: Romm, Jeff; Tuazon, Raul; Washburn, Courtland
Date: 1987
Periodical: Forest Science. Society of American Foresters
Abstract: Logit regression is used to relate characteristics of nonindustrial private forestland (NIPF)owners and ownerships to the probability of forestry investment in northern California. Full-time residence, high income, and young age are the most significant predictors of NIPF forestry investment in general. Absentee ownership, middle income, and old age are the most significant predictors of no investment. Large ownership size is the best predictor of investment that is associated with timber harvesting. The results are used to classify groups of owners by similar probability of forestry investment. Implications for the design and analysis of NIPF policy are discusses.

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