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Forest policy and land use planning, trends in the United States

Author: Reidel, Carl H.; Sanders, Daniel Clarke
Date: 1990
Periodical: In: Whitby, M.C.; Dawson, P.J., eds. Land Use for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Tyne, England: Jasprint Limited.
Abstract: Dramatic changes in economic, political, and environmental systems in the United States are forcing re-evaluation of long-standing programs and policies for forest land management. New laws and intense public pressure demands that forest policy be integrated with comprehensive land use planning transcending public-private boundaries. Not since the Conservation Movement at the turn of this Century, or during the New Deal era, has the United States been engaged in such an intense natural resource policy debate. Never before has the need for policy research been more imperative nor the fists of unanswered questions more exciting. Important research problems include resource inventory and monitoring, economic analysis and valuation, and legal-institutional policy studies.

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