Verticillium Wilt of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
A brief overview of this common disease
The two soil borne fungi that affect Connecticut maples, elms, and redbuds are Verticillium dahliae and V. albo-atrum. This pamphlet describes how the fungi attack the host. “Plant death can be slow or sudden, depending upon the extent of infection and general plant health.” [2nd Page] The tree displays marginal leaf scorching as well as vascular discoloration. There is also a table of woody plants that are resistant or susceptible to Verticillium. It seems that fungicides are not effective. Microsclerotia can be found in fresh wood chips of an infected tree. It is recommended that chips are composted for a year before using.
5 Pages
S.M. Douglas
May 2008
Diagnosis and Treatment, Disease, Health (tree)
National, Conneticut
Management, Control, Symptoms, Management, Control, Symptoms
MW: F-PAMP-CT-08-001