Urban Forestry in the City of Red Wing (DVD)
25-minute video describing the value of Red Wing's (MN) urban forest, their inventory program, and how to plant and care for trees
This 25-minute video describes how Red Wing, Minnesota has utilized a grant to inventory public trees and calculate the value they provide to the community. It also outlines the city's planting program and describes how to plant a tree. The second half of the video is devoted to teaching residents how to prune and care for trees over their lifetime.
City of Red Wing, MN
Planting, Urban Forest Management, Inventory (tree), Marketing, Education Programs (Public), Maintenance Specifications, Pruning
Planting, Planting, Outreach, Outreach, Inventory, Inventory, Citizen, Citizen, Education, Education, Pruning, Pruning
MW: S-CDVD-MN-07-001