Trees, Parking and Green Law: Legal Tools and Strategies for Sustainability
"Parking areas are an integral part of the built landscape of America’s cities and towns. Parking lots occupy about 10 percent overall of the land in U.S. cities, and can be as much as 20 to 30 percent of downtown core areas.
Parking spaces are usually required for most urban zoning classes and land uses. It is estimated that 80 to 90 percent of all U.S. parking demand is provided by surface parking lots. Typically 2 or 3 times as much space is dedicated to parking as compared to floor space in the building being served by the parking. Lots for regional malls can be as large as 60 acres." [Factsheet Introduction] Kathy Wolf's Fact Sheet #15 that summarizes Trees, Parking and Green Law: Strategies for Sustainability.
K. Wolf
Fact Sheet 15
Electronic File
Infrastructure (gray), Infrastructure (green)
MW: F-PAMP-WA-04-004