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Sudden Oak Death (Connecticut)

This page seeks to answer some of the basic questions Connecticut's arborists and tree professionals may have about Sudden Oak Death, also known as ramorum blight.

This page seeks to answer some of the basic questions Connecticut's arborists and tree professionals may have about Sudden Oak Death, also known as ramorum blight.  The disease is caused by the organism Phytophthora ramorum. Ramorum is a non-native organism that was first sited in the U.S. in 1995. Subsections of the webpage include: “What is Sudden Oak Death?” “How serious of a disease is it?” “I heard that SOD has been found in Connecticut. Does this mean we now have it here?” “What should we be doing about SOD?” “What should I do if I think I found SOD?” “Risk map for Sudden Oak death”

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
Connecticut Tree Protective Association
Northford, CT (US)
Resource Format
Health (tree)
Disease Characteristics, Fungi, SOD, Disease Characteristics, Fungi, SOD
MW: F-PAMP-CT-**-001
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