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SmartGrowth and Urban Forestry- Part II: City Planning (Webcast)

Smart Growth intersects with urban forestry on many levels: energy costs, crime, livability/sustainability, and more. Urban design is no longer isolated solely to buildings.

Trees are part of the natural infrastructure, and their beneficialeffects on urban landscapes are becoming better known. UnderstandingSmartGrowth trends can help you position your projects and programs tobetter integrate with building and land use trends. "Greeninfrastructure" is a term that is appearing more and more frequently inland conservation and development discussions.

This is a webinar resource.  Length: 54 minutes.

D. Kildee, D. Staley
Date Published
March 2009
Alliance for Community Trees
Resource Format
Infrastructure (green), Urban Forest Management
urban greening, land banking, cost effective, financial sustainability, tree planning, urban greening, land banking, cost effective, financial sustainability, tree planning
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