Pruning Landscape Trees and Shrubs
In Hawaii, light pruning may be done year-round with the proper equipment and techniques.
This helpful publication describes the proper approaches to pruning trees and shrubs. Trees with a central leader branch require different training to achieve a natural growth pattern. To prevent the need for excessive pruning, ensure that the tree is the right type for the site. Following the guide will help control size and form, improve plant health, and enhance fruiting and flowering.
Pages: 8
G. Meade, D.L. Hensley
August 1998
Pruners, Hedging, Bougainvillea, Oleander, Hibiscus, Allamanda, Pruners, Hedging, Bougainvillea, Oleander, Hibiscus, Allamanda
MW: F-PAMP-HI-98-004