Positively the Pits - Successful Strategies for Sustainable Streetscapes
Streetscape planting considerations
This article addresses problems that can be minimized by using better planting practices in initial installation of planting pits. Adequate rooting space, good soil and control of water to prevent poor drainage are discussed in detail. An innovative approach used in Boston is fully described. The approach uses a perforated pipe laid in a sleeve with a "T" joint leading up. The pipe is capped on the bottom. This system allows for proper watering of trees and is specified in all Boston tree plantings. The remainder of the article discusses typical planting recommendations such as choosing the right plant for the site, differences between bare root and balled trees and planting at the proper depth.
K. Doherty, D. Bloniarz, D. Ryan
November 2003
Tree Care Industry
November 2003
Article (Trade Magazine)
Planting, Stress, Structural Soil, Pruning, Rooting Area
Streetscape, Streetscape, Drainage, Drainage, Soil Stratification, Soil Stratification, Greenstreets, Greenstreets, Tree pit, Tree pit
MA: AR112