Make Your Land More Appealing to Wild Birds: Maintain Native Plants!
This fact sheet describes how landowners and land managers can increase the suitability of urban and suburban areas, i.e. yards and parks, as habitat for native birds (focus on ground and shrub nesting species).
This factsheet suggests ways land owners and land managers can increase the suitability of urban and suburban areas (i.e. yards and parks) as nesting habitat for native birds. Includes a list of 21 native bird species and where they usually nest (ground, shrub, tree, dead tree), and a graph showing actual data of the number of nests of various native bird species found in a range of substrates. 2 pages. 8.5" x 11"
University of Washington College of Forest Resources
November 2000
Fact Sheet #10
Urbanization, Species Selection, Wildlife (avian)
Pacific Northwest
Landscaping, Landscaping, Avian, Avian, Species selection, Species selection
MW: F-PAMP-WA-00-006