Critical Forest Land
The Northeast Georgia Regional Development Center (NEGaRDC) in Athens (GA) has been developing the Critical Forest Land rating system for the past several years. The NEGaRDC originally worked with regional U&CF funding for the prototype development that evaluated forest tracts in Athens-Clarke, Oglethorpe, Jackson, and Madison counties.
Subsequent NASA funding expanded the evaluation and development of the prototype to the entire region (13 counties) and the Upper Oconee River Watershed.
The primary contractor for these projects is Space Imaging (originally as Pacific Meridian), with Inventory & Information Systems (Comer, GA) serving as consulting urban forester for image classification field work and contract oversight.
Space Imaging will complete an ArcIMS implementation of the entire Critical Forest Land project by late 2004.
D.R. Hartel
Water Quality/Quantity, Carbon, Watershed Management, Air Quality/Pollution
Leaf characteristics, Leaf characteristics, Prioritization, Prioritization, Critical Forest Land, Critical Forest Land, Vegetation classification, Vegetation classification