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Pilot Test: Statewide Urban Forest Assessment (Indiana's Urban Forest)

Trees in cities can contribute significantly to human health and environmental quality. Unfortunately, little is known about the urban forest resource and what it contributes to the local, regional, and national society and economy. To help better understand the urban forest resource and its numerous values, the USDA Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Program initiated a pilot program to assess urban forests across various states. State urban forest functions and values were analyzed using the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model. Results from this report should be viewed as a demonstration of the value of collecting and analyzing urban forest data. These data can be used to advance urban forest understanding and management to improve human health and environmental quality in urban areas.

This report highlights the findings from the first statewide pilot test conducted in the State of Indiana. Personnel involved in conducting the pilot and compiling this report were:

• David J. Nowak, USDA Forest Service

• Daniel Twardus, USDA Forest Service

• Robert Hoehn, USDA Forest Service

• Manfred Mielke, USDA Forest Service

• Bill Smith, USDA Forest Service

• Jeffrey Walton, USDA Forest Service

• Daniel Crane, USDA Forest Service

• Anne Cumming, USDA Forest Service

• Matt Lake, Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources

• Phil Marshall, Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources

D.J. Nowak, M. Mielke, R. Hoehn, B. Smith, D. Twardus, J. Walton, D. Crane, A. Cumming, M. Lake, P. Marshall
Date Published
Resource Format
Electronic File
Inventory (forest), Health (tree), Inventory (tree)
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