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Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia

"This advisory list is published by [the] Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) to inform land managers of potential risks associated with certain plant species known to exhibit invasive behavior in some situations. The list is not regulatory in nature, and thus does not prohibit the use of the plant species listed.

VDCR and Virginia Native Plant Society use detailed criteria to assess the invasiveness of a plant. Factors used to rank each species include:

1) cumulative impacts on natural areas;

2) impacts on other species;

3) potential to disperse and invade natural landscapes;

4) distribution and abundance; and

5) difficulty to manage."

Division of Natural Heritage, Virginia Native Plant Society
Date Published
Resource Format
Website, Electronic File
Forest Management, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Management, Ecological Restoration, Species Selection
Invasive, Invasive, Invasive plants, Invasive plants, Invasive species, Invasive species, Invasive trees, Invasive trees
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