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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Potential of tree shade for reducing residential energy use in California
Do trees strengthen urban communities, reduce domestic violence?
Recommended trees for: Northern Tallgrass Prairie: an ecosystem approach
Detection of decay in trees
Urban forestry, its planning, design and function
Understanding urban park users: A key to effective planning and management
The management and administration of urban forest
The public role in urban forestry
Urban forest and wood utilization
Tree defects: A photo guide
Decay in trees
Urban pest management: A conceptual framework
Dutch elm disease management guide
Trees and salt
Urban entomology: Interdisciplinary perspectives
A community development approach to IPM: Anatomy of a pilot effort to transfer IPM information on outdoor vegetation to suburban home-owners
The interface of plant pathology with entomology in the urban environment
Integrated pest management of outdoor ornamental plants
The effects of tree roots on structures
Insects and diseases: Important problems of Florida's forest and shade tree resources
The care and feeding of trees
Street trees of Perth
A planter's guide to the urban forest
The tree species of urban forestry
Diversity and stability in a street tree population
Avenue trees in the urban area
Street trees for energy conservation
Urban forests and environmental conservation
Environment of urban forest
Urban planning and insect pest management
A definition of the best pruning position
A political economic analysis of urban pest management
Information transfer in urban pest management
Urban forestry and entomology: A current appraisal
Arboriculture in the urban area
Arboriculture: Care of trees, shrubs, and vines in the landscape
Viewer preference for spatial arrangement of park trees: An application of video-imaging technology
Using image-capture technology to assess scenic value at the urban/forest interface: A case study. Journal of
Urban forestry management techniques in Ecuador: A low-cost, do-it-yourself approach
Trees in towns: A research update
Understanding the structure of urban forests
Urban forestry: Managing the forests where we live
Urban forestry: A municipal perspective
Urban forestry in a debt burdened environment
Urban forestry volunteers and effective outreach
Urban microclimates and growth of sweetgum street trees
Urban tree residues: Results of the first national inventory
Urban forestry partnerships: The Master Treescaper Initiative
Urban oak wilt management in Austin, Texas
Urban forestry and arboricultural advancements in Ohio, USA
Youth panel on urban forestry education
Trees and people: Cultural and psychological connections
Wildlife gardens from urban vacant lots
Urban forests - cooling our communities?
Trees pollute? A "TREE" explains it all
Trees, aggression, and violence in the home
Urban planting and biodiversity conservation in Malaysia
Water use of landscape plants grown in an arid environment
Validation of a tree failure evaluation system
Using soil and foliar analysis to diagnose the nutritional status of urban trees
Trees and healthy living: national conference, Wolverhampton, UK, Nov. 17, 1999
Ultraviolet radiation in urban ecosystems with consideration of effects on human health
User surveys of Ankara's urban parks
Trees for the urban millennium: urban forestry update
Understanding wildlife habitats in urban areas
Urban forests cool hot cities
Urban forestry research in Europe: an overview
Trees are not the root of sidewalk problems
What do people want from urban forestry? The European experience
Web-based maps for community forestry
Urban forest kit
Trees and sustainability: it's not really about the trees
Using GIS to determine critical forest lands
Vegetation in the urban environment: microclimatic analysis and benefits
Urban forest structure, benefits, and value
Urban forestry research, planning and education in Lithuania
Urban forests in Lithuania
Urban forests of the city of Tallinn
Urban forestry in Latvia: status, policy, management, research
Urban forestry and silviculture methods in the Nordic countries
Urban forestry in the Nordic and the Baltic countries - urban forests under transformation. Proceedings from an international seminar on urban forestry in Kaunas, Lithuania, April 21-22, 2001
Greenline parks: Land conservation trends for the eighties and beyond
Light and atmospheric pollution affect photosynthesis of street trees in urban environments
A planning strategy to augment the diversity and biomass of roadside trees in urban Hong Kong
A watershed conservation strategy for an urban national forest
An urban forest management plan for accomodating growth
Trenching and street trees: A review of current practice and new service techniques in British Gas, West Midlands
Trees and urban forest in Reykjavik
Urban forestry in the UK New Towns
Urban woodland conservation management and development in Europe: a comparative study
Understanding urban soil conditions and tree growth
Vitality description in forestry and urban forestry
Urban forests and trees: proceedings no. 1 of COST Action E12
Wire baskets: current products and their handling at planting
Which comes first, the root or the crack?
Urban foresters identify Ohio's tree needs
Trees and wind: wind scales and speeds
Value of oak woodlands and open space on private property values in southern California
Using midday stem water potential to assess irrigation needs of landscape valley oaks
Urban tree recovery after Hurrican Georges: techniques and preliminary results
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