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Published Library Resources

This virtual library holds a wide range of urban forestry resources including: research abstracts and full text journal articles, trade magazine articles, CDs, other technology transfer resources, books (or chapters of books), patents, ordinances, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

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Guide to report writing for consulting arborists
Hanover and its contribution to urban ecology
Urban forestry: A bibliography
Management of greenbelts and forest remnants in urban forest landscapes
IFPRA World Congress, Antwerp, Sept. 3-8, 1995: Ecological aspects of green areas in urban environments
Urban forest landscapes: Integrating multidisciplinary perspectives
An annotated bibliography on urban forestry in developing countries
The many views about urban forestry
Creating community-forestry partnerships: A participatory approach
Merging conservation with management of urban green space
Urban wildlife and human well-being
Urban forestry consultants: Their need and selection
Goals for urban forestry in Belgium in the year 2000
Using computer simulation to plan a sustained-yield urban forest
The short-term effect of simulated acidic rainfall on the formation of discolored wood in Acer rubrum
Staying alive: Street tree survival in the inner-city
Selected effects of sublethal dosages of three insecticides on the bagworm
Monitoring: An essential factor to managing pests of landscape trees and shrubs
The concept of key plants in integrated pest management for landscapes
A community forestry planning process: Case study of citizen participation
Intensive surveys of structure and change in urban natural areas
Perception and aesthetics of the urban environment: Review of the role of vegetation
A site-specific model for predicting daily use of urban forest recreation sites
Tree root damage to pavements and kerbs in the city of Manchester
How valuable are the street trees of Lambeth Borough?
Environmental stress in street trees
Urban forestry in Australia: The future
Using ordination to analyze the composition and structure of urban forest islands
The urban landscape: The hidden frontier
The city forests of the United States of America
Urban forestry in North York
The urban forest landscape of Athens, Greece: Aspects of structure, planning and management
Roadside trees in Hamburg: Their present situation of environmental stress and their future chance for recovery
Icelandic social forestry in metropolitan Reykjavik
Shade tree transpiration and water use
Urban development in forests: Sources of American difficulties and possible approaches
Valuation of landscape trees, shrubs, and other plants
Closure of branch pruning wounds with conventional and 'Shigo' cuts
Therapy for Dutch elm disease
Community forestry initiatives
Economics of utility lateral trimming
Predicting root spread from trunk diameter and branch spread
Options in street tree inventories
Public awareness and urban forestry in Ohio
Tree declines: Four concepts of causality
Urban forestry in Quebec
Incidence and management of canker stain in London plane trees in Modesto, California
Street trees and the law
Effect of environment, tree size and presence of wetwood symptoms on injectability of American elm
A new era in urban forestry
An urban forest integrated pest management program for gypsy moth: An example
Glitches and gaps in the science and technology of tree injection
State government involvement in community forestry: A survey
Utilizing municipal trees: ideas from across the country
Forest stewardship: backyard trees
Helping trees recover from stress: a guide for homeowners
The wildland-urban interface: sustaining forests in a changing landscape: program and abstracts, Gainesville, FL, Nov. 5-8, 2001
Urban ecological systems: linking terrestrial, ecological, physical, and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas
Georgia model urban forest book
Texture-integrated classification of urban treed areas in high-resolution color-infrared imagery
The roots of renewal: tree-planting projects in urban areas are revitalizing communities and bringing investment
Combining revealed and stated preference methods to value environmental amenities at residential locations
Animals and man in the process of urbanization
Community types and ecological characteristics of the urban forest vegetation in Seoul, Korea
Shade trees as a demand-side resource
How to select and plant a tree. Lincoln, NE, National Arbor Day Foundation
Ecological problems of parks and gardens in Saint Petersburg, Russia
A systematic approach to building with trees
Resolving tree-sidewalk conflicts
A review of the implementation and management of nature-like landscapes in Australian urban greenspace
Urban tree residue survey
Habitat conservation and development in the city of Dusseldorf (Germany)
Re-creation of new nature and rehabilitation of natural forests on building sites in Japan
The need for geographic information system in integrating urban forestry in urban planning and development
Urban ecology as the basis of urban planning
How to write a municipal tree ordinance
Characteristics of urban soils under Acer negundo L. and Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC) Standl. in Curitiba city - PR (Brazil)
Greenways and the making of urban form
The evolution of greenways as an adaptive urban landscape form
Planning and implementing an urban forestry program
Assessing extent and severity of mechanical injuries in trees
Assessing pruning wound damage
Survivorship, development, and fecundity of buck moth (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) on common tree species in the Gulf Coast urban forest
Differences in responses to urban air pollutants by Ligustrum lucidum Ait. and Ligustrum lucidum Ait. f. tricolor (Rehd.) Rehd
Pruning shade trees in the home landscape
Tree risk management and hazard assessment: a general review
Assessing construction damage: tree damage exposure values and recovery times
Construction damage assessments: trees and sites
Treescaping the city: Brisbane's master plan
A guide for municipal tree commissions
Relative tolerance of tree species to construction damage
An overview of forest canopy ecosystem functions with reference to urban and riparian systems
Sustainability in urban ecosystems
Urban forestry: A bibliography
Community forestry legislation report
Cottonwood gallery forests: Biological legacies in the urban forests
Urban forestry laboratory exercises for elementary, middle and high school students
Urban forestry adds $3.8 billion in sales to California economy
Estimating economic activity and impacts of urban forestry in California with multiple data sources from the early 1990s
Trees help improve humans' (and others') habitat
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