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Survivial and Growth of Transplanted Large and Small Caliper Red Oaks

Reference Type
Journal, Research (Article)

Red oak (Quercus rubraL.) of 2 caliper sizes, 8.4 and 3.6 cm (3.3 and 1.4 in.), and 2 vigor classes (high and low) within the small-caliper trees, were transplanted to compare growth and establishment over a 4-year period. Possible confounding factors such as pre-transplant vigor, genetics, relative root-ball to backfill volume, and relative canopy to root-ball volume were controlled to determine whether small-caliper trees establish more rapidly than large-caliper trees. Large-caliper trees had high mortality, 58%, while no small-caliper trees died. Based on trunk caliper and height growth after transplanting, surviving large-caliper trees established faster than small-caliper treesÑdemonstrating that transplanted large-caliper red oaks can establish as rapidly as small-caliper red oaks

Keywords: Planting; Tree Health; Arboriculture; Research

Publisher: Journal of Arboriculture 26(3) : May 2000

Category: Plant Health

Struve, Daniel K., Laura Burchfield, Cathy Maupin
Date Published
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