Pinus clausa: sand pine
University Outreach Publication
One of the rarest of the native / naturalized Georgia pines is sand pine (Pinus clausa). Sand pine was first identified as a species in 1876. Other scientific names have been Pinus inops var. clausa (1877) and Pinus clausa var. immuginata (1963). The scientific name means "closed cone pine." Other common names for sand pine are scrub pine, spruce pine, Ocala pine, and Choctawhatchee pine. Sand pine grows in far south Georgia, one area on the west side of the state and one area on the east side of the state. Note the Georgia range map.SFNR06-17
K.D. Coder
December 2006
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Athens, GA (US)
Identification, Silvics
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Native, Pines, Pinus, Pinus clausa, Sand pine