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New York's Battle with the Asian Long-Horned Beetle

Reference Type
Journal, Research (Article)

The Asian long-horned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) was discovered in Amityville and Brooklyn on Long Island, New York, in late 1996. Because of its threat to North American hardwood forests, an eradication program was initiated in 1997, with more than 1,500 infested trees detected so far. Hardest hit were the maples, but also attacked were species of birch, elm, horsechestnut, poplar, and willow. Biological, political, and social aspects of the eradication program are described.

Keywords: Forest Health, Insects

Publisher: Journal of Forestry.Dec 1997. v. 95 (12)

Category: Plant Health

Haack, R.A.
Date Published
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