Estimating Weights of Branch Segments
University Outreach Publication
Estimating the forces and loads applied in tree systems requires the weight of different parts and portions be determined. One of the most difficult measures to estimate is green xylem weight in branches. Wood weight can be precisely and accurately determined in the laboratory from small samples at oven-dry moisture contents. Within living trees, moisture content values are difficult to determine accurately. The moisture contents of living tree xylem and associated tissue can vary between 30% and 250% as compared with the weight of any associated woody material.
To estimate branch segment weight, the solid woody material weight must be added together with the moisture (water) content held within and around xylem cells. Intercellular spaces, cell wall areas, and interior cell spaces can all hold water in different forms of chemical attachments and at various hydration layer depths. Since water can account for most of the weight of a branch, moisture content values must be incorporated into estimates of wood weight.
Tree Biomechanics Series
Dr. Kim D. Coder
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Biology (tree), Disaster, Evaluation/Assessment, Mechanics (tree), Plant Health Care, Risk Assessment and Hazard, Safety Issues, Storms, Structure (tree)
International, Southeast, National
mechanics, Leaf characteristics, biomechanics, statics, risk assessment