A Model for Urban Forest Sustainability
Journal, Research (Article)
This project created of a working model for sustainable urban forests that included the three critical elements of people, resources and management.
We present a model for the development of sustainable urban forests. The model applies general principles of sustainability to urban trees and forests. The central tenet of the model is that sustainable urban forests require a healthy tree and forest resource, community-wide support and a comprehensive management approach. For each of these components, we present criteria and indicators for assessing their status at a given point in time. The most significant outcome of a sustainable urban forest is to maintain a maximum level of net environmental, ecological, social, and economic benefits over time.
NUCFAC recommended award: G-5-94-20-095
J.R. Clark, N.P. Matheny, G. Cross, V. Wake
January 1997
Journal of Arboricultue
International Society of Arboriculture
Champaign, IL (US)