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Introductory Hike in the Woods

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Westwood 6th grade science students spend the first part of the school year learning about what it means to be a scientist. They learn that there are many different fields of science and the work scientists are involved in varies greatly. An introductory hike in nearby Loblolly Woods Nature Park is a fun way to introduce students to scientific observation and to expose kids to environmental science occupations and the outdoors.

As students walk from the school to Loblolly Woods, they begin to make discoveries and ask questions almost immediately. Once at the park, the students sit down quietly and begin their observation time. Students are encouraged to use their senses and get curious about their surroundings (to think like scientists).

Getting kids out of the classroom and exploring local creeks and surrounding urban forests helps them to connect with local nature which often inspires a greater curiosity, awareness and appreciation for the outdoors. This initial hike helps to introduce students to what it means to think like a scientist and gives students an occasion to simply be in nature. Some of the students have had extensive experience in the outdoors while others have had very limited exposure. The introductory hike offers students with limited experience a no-pressure environment where they can share their reservations and gain comfort by getting to know the site of future class explorations. The hike also allows the Kids in the Woods team to determine just how long it takes a 6th grade class to move from point a to point b and to observe group dynamics and individual comfort levels with being in the woods.

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